
Suggestion added

FoE Helper / ExtensionDanish

Remaining FPs to level
Nødvendige PF til næste niveau
4 years ago

Suggestion added

FoE Helper / ExtensionDanish

Reward = __nettoreward__ <small>(Net Reward)</small> X __arcfactor__% <small>(Arc Bonus)</small> = __bruttoreward__<br>Cost: __costs__ - Place locked at: __safe__<br>Profit = __bruttoreward__ <small>(Reward)</small> - __costs__ <small>(Cost)</small> = __profit__
Gevinst= __nettoreward__ <small>(Netto Gevinst)</small> X __arcfactor__% <small>(Ark bonus)</small> = __bruttoreward__<br>Bidrag: __costs__ - Plads sikret ved: __safe__<br>Overskud= __bruttoreward__ <small>(Gevinst)</small> - __costs__ <small>(Bidrag)</small> = __profit__
4 years ago

Suggestion added

FoE Helper / ExtensionDanish

Reward = __nettoreward__ <small>(Net Reward)</small> X __arcfactor__% <small>(Arc Bonus)</small> = __bruttoreward__<br>Paid: __paid__<br>Loss = __paid__ <small>(Paid)</small> - __bruttoreward__ <small>(Reward)</small> = __loss__
Gevinst = __nettoreward__<small>(Netto investering)</small> * __arcfactor__%<small>(Ark bonus)</small> = __bruttoreward__<br>Betalt: __paid__<br>Tab = __paid__<small>(Betalt)</small> - __bruttoreward__<small>(Gevinst)</small> = __loss__
4 years ago

Suggestion added

FoE Helper / ExtensionDanish

Reward = __nettoreward__ <small>(Net Reward)</small> X __arcfactor__% <small>(Arc Bonus)</small> = __bruttoreward__<br>Cost: __costs__ - Place locked at: __safe__<br>Loss = __costs__ <small>(Cost)</small> - __bruttoreward__ <small>(Reward)</small> = __loss__
Gevinst= __nettoreward__ <small>(Netto gevinst)</small> X __arcfactor__% <small>(Ark bonus)</small> = __bruttoreward__<br>Pris: __costs__ - Pladsen er sikret ved: __safe__<br>Tab= __costs__ <small>(Pris)</small> - __bruttoreward__ <small>(Gevinst)</small> = __loss__
4 years ago

Suggestion added

FoE Helper / ExtensionDanish

Reward = __nettoreward__ <small>(Net Reward)</small> X __arcfactor__% <small>(Arc Bonus)</small> = __bruttoreward__<br>Cost: __costs__ - Place locked at: __safe__<br>Loss = __costs__ <small>(Cost)</small> - __bruttoreward__ <small>(Reward)</small> = __loss__
Gevinst= __nettoreward__ <small>(Netto gevinst)</small> X __arcfactor__% <small>(Ark bonus)</small> = __bruttoreward__<br>Bidrag: __costs__ - Plads sikret ved: __safe__<br>Tab= __costs__ <small>(Bidrag)</small> - __bruttoreward__ <small>(Gevinst)</small> = __loss__
4 years ago

Suggestion added

FoE Helper / ExtensionDanish

Adding __fpcount__ FPs too many!<br>Maximum investment: __totalfp__ FPs
Der er ikke plads til __fpcount__FP<br>Maksimal indbetaling: __totalfp__FP
4 years ago

Suggestion added

FoE Helper / ExtensionDanish

Spot is not safe. __fpcount__ additional FPs must be added.<br>Total to make spot safe: __totalfp__ FPs
Pladsen er ikke sikker. Der skal lægges __fpcount__FP for at sikre pladsen<br>I alt __totalfp__FP for at sikre
4 years ago

Suggestion added

FoE Helper / ExtensionDanish

Cost = __nettoreward__ <small>(Net Reward)</small> X __forderfactor__% <small>(Your invest)</small> = __costs__
Bidrag = __nettoreward__<small>(Netto investering)</small> * __forderfactor__%<small>(Bidrag med)</small> = __costs__
4 years ago

Suggestion added

FoE Helper / ExtensionDanish
4 years ago

Suggestion added

FoE Helper / ExtensionDanish

Active Recurring Quest (RQs):
Aktive gentagne opgaver:
4 years ago

Suggestion added

FoE Helper / ExtensionDanish

Main Menu Countdown
Hovedmenu nedtælling
4 years ago

Suggestion added

FoE Helper / ExtensionDanish

Automatically generated Alert times (Antiques Dealer, GBG etc) will use this offset to send notification before the event actually happens. For example, setting this value to 30 (seconds), Auction Alerts will be displayed 30s before the auction actually ends!
Automatisk genererede alarmtider (Antikvitetshandleren, Klanslagmarker etc.) vil blive brugt af disse til at sende meddelelser, før en begivenhed starter. Eksempel: 30 betyder, at meddelelsen for en auktion bliver vist 30 sekunder før auktionen slutter.
4 years ago

Suggestion added

FoE Helper / ExtensionDanish

or every
eller hver
4 years ago

Suggestion added

FoE Helper / ExtensionDanish

Should the Alert remain open until the user dismisses or clicks the notification?
Skal meddelelsen forblive åben indtil spilleren lukker eller klikker på meddelelsen?
4 years ago

Suggestion added

FoE Helper / ExtensionDanish

__player__'s __building__ has just reached level __level__.<br>You took spot <strong>__rank__ </strong> and received <strong>__fps__</strong> FPs.
__player__'s __building__ har lige nået niveau __level__.<br>Du har opnået <strong>__rank__</strong> pladsen og får <strong>__fps__ </strong>FP.
4 years ago

Suggestion added

FoE Helper / ExtensionDanish

<strong>__player__</strong> accepted your trade of __offerValue__ __offer__ for __needValue__ __need__.
<strong>__player__</strong> har accepteret dit tilbud.<br>Du har fået __needValue__ __need__ for __offerValue__ __offer__.
4 years ago

Suggestion added

FoE Helper / ExtensionDanish

Collected __count__ new player Events
__count__ nye spillerbegivenheder fundet.
4 years ago

Suggestion added

FoE Helper / ExtensionDanish

New Events found!
Ny begivenhed fundet.
4 years ago

Suggestion added

FoE Helper / ExtensionDanish

This information has already been collected
Alle begivenheder på denne side er tidligere blevet opdateret.
4 years ago

Suggestion added

FoE Helper / ExtensionDanish

<span style="color:#ffb539">__provinceName__</span> was captured by <span style="color:__attackerColor__;text-shadow: 0 1px 1px __attackerShadow__">__attackerName__</span> and is locked until __untilOccupied__.
Provins <span style="color:#ffb539">__provinceName__</span> er blevet overtaget af <span style="color:__attackerColor__;text-shadow: 0 1px 1px __attackerShadow__">__attackerName__</span> og er låst frem til kl. __untilOccupied__.
4 years ago
