Error in parameter user: Enter a valid “slug” consisting of letters, numbers, underscores or hyphens.

Suggestion added

FoE Helper / ExtensionEnglish

an hour ago

Failed push on repository

FoE Helper / App

remote: Support for password authentication was removed on August 13, 2021.
remote: Please see for information on currently recommended modes of authentication.
fatal: Authentication failed for ''
3 hours ago

Failed push on repository

FoE Helper / App

remote: Support for password authentication was removed on August 13, 2021.
remote: Please see for information on currently recommended modes of authentication.
fatal: Authentication failed for ''
9 hours ago

Failed push on repository

FoE Helper / App

remote: Support for password authentication was removed on August 13, 2021.
remote: Please see for information on currently recommended modes of authentication.
fatal: Authentication failed for ''
13 hours ago

Failed push on repository

FoE Helper / App

remote: Support for password authentication was removed on August 13, 2021.
remote: Please see for information on currently recommended modes of authentication.
fatal: Authentication failed for ''
13 hours ago

Failed push on repository

FoE Helper / App

remote: Support for password authentication was removed on August 13, 2021.
remote: Please see for information on currently recommended modes of authentication.
fatal: Authentication failed for ''

Failed push on repository

FoE Helper / App

remote: Support for password authentication was removed on August 13, 2021.
remote: Please see for information on currently recommended modes of authentication.
fatal: Authentication failed for ''

Failed push on repository

FoE Helper / App

remote: Support for password authentication was removed on August 13, 2021.
remote: Please see for information on currently recommended modes of authentication.
fatal: Authentication failed for ''
2 days ago

Failed push on repository

FoE Helper / App

remote: Support for password authentication was removed on August 13, 2021.
remote: Please see for information on currently recommended modes of authentication.
fatal: Authentication failed for ''
2 days ago

Failed push on repository

FoE Helper / App

remote: Support for password authentication was removed on August 13, 2021.
remote: Please see for information on currently recommended modes of authentication.
fatal: Authentication failed for ''
2 days ago

Pushed changes

FoE Helper / Extension

Pushed changes 2 days ago

Rebased repository

FoE Helper / Extension

Rebased repository 2 days ago

Committed changes

FoE Helper / ExtensionPolish

Committed changes 2 days ago

Pushed changes

FoE Helper / Website

Pushed changes 2 days ago

Rebased repository

FoE Helper / Website

Rebased repository 2 days ago

Committed changes

FoE Helper / WebsitePolish

Committed changes 2 days ago

Failed push on repository

FoE Helper / App

remote: Support for password authentication was removed on August 13, 2021.
remote: Please see for information on currently recommended modes of authentication.
fatal: Authentication failed for ''
2 days ago

New translation

FoE Helper / ExtensionPolish
2 days ago

New translation

FoE Helper / ExtensionPolish

__amount__% of __good__ stock (__era__)
__amount__% of __good__ stock (__era__)
2 days ago

Translation changed

FoE Helper / WebsitePolish

<p class="mt-4 text-justify">Looking for tools and apps that can help you play FoE? But Forge of Empires cheats are not your thing? Then you are exactly right here. The FoE calculator works with the data shown by Innogames unencrypted. These are prepared by our tools and made available to you in order to use one or the other advantage in the well-known online strategy game Forge of Empires.</p><p>For example, simply use the calculator to calculate how many forge points you need to deposit to make sure your guildmates or friends who are in the field are safe and can not be outbid. So you all win.</p><p> Here you can download the <a href="">Extension</a>.</p>
<p class="mt-4 text-justify">Szukasz narzędzi i aplikacji, które mogą pomóc Ci grać w FoE? Ale oszukiwanie ci się nie podoba? W takim razie jesteś w dobrym miejscu. Kalkulator FoE działa na niezaszyfrowanych danych pokazanych przez Innogames. To są przygotowane przez nas narzędzia i udostępnione Tobie, żebyś mógł użyć ich przewagi w dobrze znanej grze strategicznej online Forge of Empires.</p><p>Na przykład, po prostu użyj kalkulatora, żeby policzyć ile punktów rozwoju musisz wpłacić, żeby mieć pewność, że Twoi koledzy z gildii lub znajomi w polu są bezpieczni i nie mogą zostać przebici. Więc wszyscy wygrywacie.</p><p>Kiedy się zarejestrujesz i zainstalujesz <a href="/docs/en/indroduction?lang=pl">Rozszerzenie</a>, będziesz mógł zobaczyć, kto z Twoich znajomych regularnie pomaga a kto nie. Więc możesz prosto oczyścić listę swoich przyjaciół w FoE.<br>Również, użyj okazji po ataku, żeby zobaczyć który atak jest najbardziej skuteczny. <span style="display: none;"><!-- wtf is this shit? it makes no sense! rewrite please! --> Produces the inferior only tool or is it still one or the other FP in it?</span> To i jeszcze więcej jest oferowace przez kalkulator FoE i rozszerzenie Forge of Empires. Możesz po prostu pobrać to tutaj i być zadowolonym z udanych ataków, zamykania poziomów pereł architektury i jeszcze więcej. Rzuć okiem na stronę informacyjną aplikacji, gdzie znajdziesz więcej informacji.Tutaj możesz pobrać<a href="">Rozszerzenie</p>
2 days ago
