It will take __days__ days until the investment of __costs__ FP has been returned with a daily production of __fpproduction__ FP/day and __attackproduction__ % attack bonus (equals __attackproduction__ * __attackvalue__ = __attackproductionvalue__ FP/day)
Ci vorranno __giorni__ giorni prima che l'investimento di __costi__ FP sia restituito con una produzione giornaliera di __fpproduction__ FP/giorno e __attackproduction__ % di bonus d'attacco (pari a __attackproduction__ * __attackvalue__ = __attackproductionvalue__ FP/giorno).
It will take __days__ days until the investment of __costs__ FP has been returned with a daily production of __fpproduction__ FP/day and __attackproduction__ % attack bonus (equals __attackproduction__ * __attackvalue__ = __attackproductionvalue__ FP/day)
Ci vorranno __giorni__ giorni prima che l'investimento di __costi__ FP sia restituito con una produzione giornaliera di __fpproduction__ FP/giorno e __attackproduction__ % di bonus d'attacco (pari a __attackproduction__ * __attackvalue__ = __attackproductionvalue__ FP/giorno).
It will take __days__ days until the investment of __costs__ FP has been returned with a daily production of __fpproduction__ FP/day and __attackproduction__ % attack bonus (equals __attackproduction__ * __attackvalue__ = __attackproductionvalue__ FP/day)
Occorreranno __days__ giorni affinchél' investimentodi __costs__ PF venga ripagato con unaproduzione giornaliera di __fpproduction__ PF/giorno e __attackproduction__ % bonus attacco (equals __attackproduction__ * __attackvalue__ = __attackproductionvalue__ FP/day)