
Welcome to the <strong>Infobox</strong>! While this window remains open, it will display background events (e.g. chat messages, actions in GBG and auction bids)
Key English Italian State
<strong>__player__</strong> has just contributed __points__ GE points.
<strong> __player__ </strong> ha appena ricevuto __points__ punti nelle spedizioni.
<span style="color:#ffb539">__provinceName__</span> was captured by <span style="color:__attackerColor__;text-shadow: 0 1px 1px __attackerShadow__">__attackerName__</span> and is locked until __untilOccupied__.
La provincia <span style='color:#ffb539'>__provinceName__</span> è stata conquistata da <span style='color: __attackerColor__;text-shadow: 0 1px 1px __attackerShadow__'>__attackerName__</span>. Il settore è chiuso fino alle __untilOccupied__.
__player__'s __building__ has just reached level __level__.<br>You took spot <strong>__rank__ </strong> and received <strong>__fps__</strong> FPs.
La __costruzione__ di __player__ ha appena raggiunto il livello __level__.<br>Hai preso il posto <strong>__rank__ </strong> e hai ricevuto <strong>__fps__</strong> FP.
__building__ - Level __level__
__building__ - Livello __level__
<strong>__player__</strong> accepted your trade of __offerValue__ __offer__ for __needValue__ __need__.
<strong>__player__</strong> ha accettato la tua offerta di __needValue__ __need__ per __offerValue__ __offer__.
Welcome to the <strong>Infobox</strong>! While this window remains open, it will display background events (e.g. chat messages, actions in GBG and auction bids)
Benvenuto nell'<strong>Infobox</strong>! Mentre questa finestra rimane aperta, visualizzerà eventi in background (ad es. messaggi di chat, azioni in GBG e offerte all'asta)
Clear All
Cancella cronologia
Use short names for GBG provinces.
Usa nomi brevi per le province GVG.
Box informazioni
Unknown Conversation
Conversazione sconosciuta
Event History page previously updated
Pagina Cronologia eventi precedentemente aggiornata
Key English Italian State
<strong>__player__</strong> has just contributed __points__ GE points.
<strong> __player__ </strong> ha appena ricevuto __points__ punti nelle spedizioni.
<span style="color:#ffb539">__provinceName__</span> was captured by <span style="color:__attackerColor__;text-shadow: 0 1px 1px __attackerShadow__">__attackerName__</span> and is locked until __untilOccupied__.
La provincia <span style='color:#ffb539'>__provinceName__</span> è stata conquistata da <span style='color: __attackerColor__;text-shadow: 0 1px 1px __attackerShadow__'>__attackerName__</span>. Il settore è chiuso fino alle __untilOccupied__.
__player__'s __building__ has just reached level __level__.<br>You took spot <strong>__rank__ </strong> and received <strong>__fps__</strong> FPs.
La __costruzione__ di __player__ ha appena raggiunto il livello __level__.<br>Hai preso il posto <strong>__rank__ </strong> e hai ricevuto <strong>__fps__</strong> FP.
__building__ - Level __level__
__building__ - Livello __level__
<strong>__player__</strong> accepted your trade of __offerValue__ __offer__ for __needValue__ __need__.
<strong>__player__</strong> ha accettato la tua offerta di __needValue__ __need__ per __offerValue__ __offer__.
Welcome to the <strong>Infobox</strong>! While this window remains open, it will display background events (e.g. chat messages, actions in GBG and auction bids)
Benvenuto nell'<strong>Infobox</strong>! Mentre questa finestra rimane aperta, visualizzerà eventi in background (ad es. messaggi di chat, azioni in GBG e offerte all'asta)
Clear All
Cancella cronologia
Use short names for GBG provinces.
Usa nomi brevi per le province GVG.
Box informazioni
Unknown Conversation
Conversazione sconosciuta



Translation changed

FoE Helper / ExtensionItalian

Welcome to the <strong>Infobox</strong>! While this window remains open, it will display background events (e.g. chat messages, actions in GBG and auction bids)
Benvenuto anell'<strong>Infobox</strong>! LasciaMentre questa finestra rimane aperta, si riempirà gradualmente di eventi che occorrono in maniera silenziosa (comevisualizzerà eventi in background (ad es. messaggi dallai chat, attacchi nei Campi di Battaglia di Gildazioni in GBG e offerte all'asta)
2 years ago

Source string changed

FoE Helper / ExtensionItalian

Welcome to the <strong>Infobox</strong>! While this window remains open, it will show events happening in thedisplay background events (e.g. chat messages, actions in GBG and auction bids)
3 years ago

Source string changed

FoE Helper / ExtensionItalian

Welcome to the <strong>Infobox</strong>! While this window remains open, it will gradually fill up withshow events that occurppening in the silence (such asbackground (e.g. chat messages, attackctions in GBG and auction bids)
4 years ago

New translation

FoE Helper / ExtensionItalian

Welcome to the <strong>Infobox</strong>! While this window remains open, it will display background events (e.g. chat messages, actions in GBG and auction bids)
Benvenuto all'<strong>Infobox</strong>! Lascia questa finestra aperta, si riempirà gradualmente di eventi che occorrono in maniera silenziosa (come messaggi dalla chat, attacchi nei Campi di Battaglia di Gilda e offerte all'asta)
4 years ago

Source string changed

FoE Helper / ExtensionItalian

Welcome message (work in progresto the <strong>Infobox</strong>! While this window remains open, it will gradually fill up with events that occur in the silence (such as chat messages, attacks in GBG and auction bids)
4 years ago
Browse all component changes


English Italian
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

No labels currently set.
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
js/web/_i18n/it.json, string 602