
Display size-list in reconstruction mode
Key English Slovak State
Displays a tool that suggests buildings to collect after collecting your Blue Galaxy
Zobrazí nástroj navrhujúci budovy pre zber, po zbere Modrej Galaxie
Display Blue Galaxy Helper
Zobraziť pomocníka pre Modrú Galaxiu
Displays various Event Assitants, when a supported event window is opened.
Zobrazí okno prehľadu šancí na výhru prebiehajúcej Udalosti
Display Event Assistants
Obsah truhly v Udalosti
Provides a sortable list of all buildings and their sizes in resonstruction mode
Display size-list in reconstruction mode
Displays guild treasury export log tool when opening the Guild Treasury Log window
Zobrazí nástroj exportu záznamov Pokladnice cechu pri otvorení histórie Pokladnice cechu
Show guild treasury log export tool
Zobraziť nástroje exportu Pokladnice cechu
Display a GB FP investment window when entering 'Town Hall'> 'News'> 'Great Buildings' tab.
Zobrazí okno prehľadu investícií BV pri otvorení okna "Veľkolepé budovy" z radnice.
Display FP Investment sums
Zobrazenie počtu investovaných bodov
Replaces player names and guild names with links to player or guild profile on<br>Replaces Building-Kitnames with links to
Key English Slovak State
Shows an icon in the top right corner displaying the shortest currently running potion and giving an inventory list of potions upon hover. (De)Activating this option might not immediately remove/show the icon - wait or reload.
Battle Potions
Show PvP-Arena-Protocol, when opening the PvP-Arena?
Provides a sortable list of all buildings and their sizes in resonstruction mode
Display size-list in reconstruction mode
Display a window over the "Attack" or "Auto Battle" buttons to prevent accidental clicking when only rogues remain after the first wave.
Zobrazte okno nad tlačidlami „Útok“ alebo „Automatická bitka“, aby ste predišli náhodnému kliknutiu, keď po prvej vlne zostanú iba Rougeri.<br>Ak sú zabité jednotky z vyššej éry, toto okno vám dáva možnosť vyliečiť ich diamantmi. .
Rogue Only Warning
Vojnový asistent/Pozor rogue
Displays a window when opening the map, stating the scouting times of the currently available provinces and the current scouting progress
Zobrazí okno pri otvorení mapy, zobrazujúce čas pre prieskum dostupných provincií a aktuálny stav prieskumu
Scouting Info
Informácie prieskumu


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English Slovak
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Source information

No labels currently set.
Source string age
2 months ago
Translation file
js/web/_i18n/sk.json, string 1477