Optional: How many FP rewards do you get per day? This information is used to calculate profitability for further Arc levels. To get a suggestion go to: Town Hall > News > Event History and scroll through all pages
Voliteľné: Koľko BV získate na odmenách za deň? Informácia je použitá pre výpočet ziskovosti budúcich úrovní Oblúka. Pre prehľad, choďte do: Radnica>Správy>História udalostí a prelistujte všetky strany histórie
Optional: How many FP rewards do you get per day? This information is used to calculate profitability for further Arc levels. To get a suggestion go to: Town Hall > News > Event History and scroll through all pages
Optional: How many FP rewards do you get per day? This information is used to calculate profitability for further aArc levels. To get a suggestion go to Town Hall > News > Event History and scroll through alle pages