
GBG Active Players
Key English Serbian (latin) State
Displays a window when opening the map, stating the scouting times of the currently available provinces and the current scouting progress
Prikazuje prozor kada se otvori mapa, koji prikazuje vremena izvidanja trenutno dostupnih provincija i trenutni napredak izvidanja
Scouting Info
Informacije o izvidanju
GBG Building Recommendation
GBG Preporuka zgrade
Show GBG Building Recommendation
Prikaži GBG Preporuku zgrade
When opening the building menu in a GBG Province, a table is displayed, showing the possible building combinations that would be better than the current one, sorted by their relative impact on the Guild Treasury.
Kada otvorite meni za zgrade u GBG provinciji, prikazuje se tabela, koja pokazuje moguće kombinacije zgrada koje bi bile bolje od trenutne, sortirane po njihovom relativnom uticaju na trezor gilda.
GBG Active Players
GBG Aktivni igraci
Other Guilds Active Players
Aktivni igraci drugih gilda
If when visiting other guilds, the number of battles of any Player changed, a List of active players is shown.
Ako se prilikom posete drugim gildovima promeni broj bitaka bilo kog igrača, prikazuje se lista aktivnih igrača.
Show PvP-Arena-Protocol, when opening the PvP-Arena?
Prikaži PvP-Arena-Protokol kada otvorite PvP-Arenu?
Info + Website
Info + Vebsajt



Translation uploaded

FoE Helper / ExtensionSerbian (latin)

GBG Active Players
GBG Aktivni igraci
2 weeks ago
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Double space

Translation contains double space

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Trailing space

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English Serbian (latin)
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

No labels currently set.
Source string age
2 weeks ago
Translation file
js/web/_i18n/sr_Latn.json, string 1461