
Show GBG Building Recommendation
Key English Serbian (latin) State
Display a window over the "Attack" or "Auto Battle" buttons to prevent accidental clicking when only rogues remain after the first wave.
Prikazuje prozor iznad dugmića "Napad" ili "Automatska borba" da spreči slucajno kliktanje kada samo rogue ostanu nakon prvog talasa.
Rogue Only Warning
Upozorenje samo za odmetnike
Displays a window when opening the map, stating the scouting times of the currently available provinces and the current scouting progress
Prikazuje prozor kada se otvori mapa, koji prikazuje vremena izvidanja trenutno dostupnih provincija i trenutni napredak izvidanja
Scouting Info
Informacije o izvidanju
GBG Building Recommendation
GBG Preporuka zgrade
Show GBG Building Recommendation
Prikaži GBG Preporuku zgrade
When opening the building menu in a GBG Province, a table is displayed, showing the possible building combinations that would be better than the current one, sorted by their relative impact on the Guild Treasury.
Kada otvorite meni za zgrade u GBG provinciji, prikazuje se tabela, koja pokazuje moguće kombinacije zgrada koje bi bile bolje od trenutne, sortirane po njihovom relativnom uticaju na trezor gilda.
Repeat Building Selection
Repeat last Building Selection
!!! Attention - Although unlikely, using this option might trigger INNOs bot detection and may cause a short ban period !!! Please let us know should that happen.<br><br>After placing a building from the build menu or the reconstruction side bar will cause the same building to be selected automatically (streets excluded).
Key English Serbian (latin) State
Notifications are created, that inform about the expiration of a limited building. (after deactivating this function, alerts that were created in the past may still show)
Upozorenja se kreiraju, koja informišu o isteku ogranicene zgrade. (nakon deaktivacije ove funkcije, upozorenja koja su kreirana u prošlosti mogu se i dalje prikazivati)
Create Limited Building Alerts
Kreiraj upozorenja o ogranicenim zgradama
Displays various Event Assitants, when a supported event window is opened.
Prikazuje različite pomoćnike za događaje kada se otvori prozor podržanog događaja.
Display Event Assistants
Prikaži pomocnike za dogadaje
When opening the building menu in a GBG Province, a table is displayed, showing the possible building combinations that would be better than the current one, sorted by their relative impact on the Guild Treasury.
Kada otvorite meni za zgrade u GBG provinciji, prikazuje se tabela, koja pokazuje moguće kombinacije zgrada koje bi bile bolje od trenutne, sortirane po njihovom relativnom uticaju na trezor gilda.
Show GBG Building Recommendation
Prikaži GBG Preporuku zgrade
Displays guild treasury export log tool when opening the Guild Treasury Log window
Prikazuje alat za izvoz loga trezora gilde kada otvorite prozor za izveštavanje o trezoru gilde
Show guild treasury log export tool
Prikaži alat za izvoz loga trezora gilde
Display a GB FP investment window when entering 'Town Hall'> 'News'> 'Great Buildings' tab.
Prikazuje prozor za FP investicije kada uđete u 'Town Hall'> 'News'> 'Great Buildings' tab.
Display FP Investment sums
Prikaži zbir FP ulaganja



Translation uploaded

FoE Helper / ExtensionSerbian (latin)

Show GBG Building Recommendation
Prikaži GBG Preporuku zgrade
3 months ago
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English Serbian (latin)
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3 months ago
Translation file
js/web/_i18n/sr_Latn.json, string 1501