1) When an opposing army has a bonus above the given threshold, the advice will be displayed. <br>2) To edit thresholds and advices, click into the table - confirm changes with Enter. <br>3) To remove an advice, save with an empty advice.
1) Kada protivnicka vojska ima bonus iznad datog praga, savet ce biti prikazan. <br> 2) Da biste uredili pragove i savete, kliknite u tabelu - potvrdite promene pritiskom na Enter. <br> 3) Da biste uklonili savet, sacuvajte sa praznim savetom.
The module will calculate an addition value according to the first column and a multiplication value according to the second column and take the bigger value of the two
Modul ce izracunati dodatnu vrednost prema prvoj koloni i vrednost množenja prema drugoj koloni i uzeti vecu vrednost od dve.