Places 1 to %s would be filled by 90%% Arcs.<br>The other places, %s to 5 are filled by partners. <span class="badge badge-pill badge-info">Previous place / 2</span>
Places 1 to %s kommer bli fylld av 90%% Arkar.<br>De övriga platserna, %s to 5 fylls av medhjälpare. <span class="badge badge-pill badge-info">Föregående plats / 2</span>
Places 1 to %s would be filled by 90%% Arcs.<br>The other places, %s to 5 are filled by partners. <span class="badge badge-pill badge-info">Previous place / 2</span>
"Level Aides" are Arc owners with 90% Arcs, who will bring your ark up in a jiffy. <br /> Depending on the number, they will fill the Arcs places with the required FP + the patron bonus starting from # 1. Because of this, you will save a lot of FP.
"Nivåhöjare hjälp" är Ark-ägare med boost på 90%, som bygger upp din Ark i ett nafs. <br /> Beroende på antalet, kommer de att fylla Ark-platserna med erfoderliga FP + bonus med början från # 1. Tack vare detta sparar du en massa FP.
Places 1 to %s would filled by 90% ark'% Arcs.<br>The other places, %s to 5 are filled by partners. <span class="badge badge-pill badge-info">Previous place / 2</span>
Places 1 to %s would filled by 90%% ark's.<br>The other places, %s to 5 are filled by partners. <span class="badge badge-pill badge-info">Previous place / 2</span>