
New translation

FoE Helper / ExtensionBosnian

2 weeks ago

Translation changed

FoE Helper / ExtensionBosnian

You have lost a higher era unit (above your current era). However you still have the chance to heal them with diamonds!
Izgubili ste jedinicu iz više ere (iznad vaše trenutne ere). Međutim, još uvijek imate priliku da ih izliječite dijamantima!
2 weeks ago

Translation changed

FoE Helper / ExtensionBosnian

Automatically generated Alert times (Antiques Dealer, GBG etc) will use this offset to send notification before the event actually happens. For example, setting this value to 30 (seconds), Auction Alerts will be displayed 30s before the auction actually ends!
Automatski generisana vremena uzbunjivapozorenja (Antiques Dealer, Guild Battlegrounds itd.) će koristiti ovaj alat za slanje obavijesti prije nego što se događaj zaista dogodi. Na primjer, postavljanjem vrijednosti na 30 (sekundi), upozorenje o Aukcijama bit će prikazano 30 sekundi prije nego što se aukcija zapravo završi!
2 weeks ago

Translation changed

FoE Helper / ExtensionBosnian

Send an instant Alert when there is a high activity in GBG (for example, 10 fights in a single sector within 5 seconds). Please note that this function works only when the GBG in-game window is opened!
Pošaljite trenutnu opomenu kada postoji velika aktivnost u Guild Battlegrounds (na primer, 10 borbi u jednom sektoru u roku od 5 sekundi). Imajte na umu da ova funkcija funkcioniše samo kada suje u igri otvoreni Guild Battlegrounds!
2 weeks ago

Translation changed

FoE Helper / ExtensionBosnian

Tags can be used to group Alerts (a new notification with a given tag will replace an older notification with the same tag).
Oznake se mogu koristiti za grupisanje obavijesti (nova obavijest s datom oznakom zamijenit će stariju obavijest istom oznakom).
2 weeks ago

Translation changed

FoE Helper / ExtensionBosnian

Should the Alert remain open until the user dismisses or clicks the notification?
ODa li obavijest ostaje otvorena dok korisnik ne odbaci ili klikne na obavijest?
2 weeks ago

New contributor

FoE Helper / ExtensionBosnian

New contributor 2 weeks ago
