
It will take __days__ days until the investment of __costs__ FP has been returned with a daily production of __fpproduction__ FP/day and __attackproduction__ % attack bonus (equals __attackproduction__ * __attackvalue__ = __attackproductionvalue__ FP/day)
Key English Hungarian State
% Attack
% Támadás
1 FP equals __percent__% bonus for attacking army
1 FP __percent__%-os bónuszt jelent a támadó hadseregnek
Rating value of 1% bonus for attacking army (in FP)
A támadó hadsereg 1%-os bónuszának értéke (FP-ben)
Break even in
Megtérülési idő
It will take __days__ days until the investment of __costs__ FP has been returned with a daily production of __fpproduction__ FP/day
__days__ napba telik, mire a __costs__ FP befektetését megtérül, ha a termelés __fpproduction__ FP/nap
It will take __days__ days until the investment of __costs__ FP has been returned with a daily production of __fpproduction__ FP/day and __attackproduction__ % attack bonus (equals __attackproduction__ * __attackvalue__ = __attackproductionvalue__ FP/day)
__days__ napig tart, amíg a(z) __costs__ FP befektetés vissza nem térül, ha naponta __fpproduction__ FP/nap a termelés és __attackproduction__ % a támadási bónusz (egyenlő __attackproduction__ × __attackvalue__ = __attackproductionvalue__ FP/nap)
It will take __days__ days until the investment of __costs__ FP has been returned with a daily production of __fpproduction__ FP/day and __goodsproduction__ goods/day (equals __goodsproduction__ * __goodsvalue__ = __goodsproductionvalue__ FP/day)
__days__ napba fog telni, mire a __costs__ FP befektetésed megtérül, ha a termelés __fpproduction__ FP/nap és __goodsproduction__ áruk/nap (azaz __goodsproduction__ × __goodsvalue__ = __goodsproductionvalue__ FP/nap)
It will take __days__ days until the investment of __costs__ FP has been returned with a daily production of __fpproduction__ FP/day, __goodsproduction__ goods/day (equals __goodsproduction__ * __goodsvalue__ = __goodsproductionvalue__ FP/day) and __attackproduction__ % attack bonus (equals __attackproduction__ * __attackvalue__ = __attackproductionvalue__ FP/day)
__days__ napig tart, mire a(z) __costs__ FP befektetés megtérül, ha a napi termelés __fpproduction__ FP/nap és __goodsproduction__ termék/nap (egyenlő __goodsproduction__ × __goodsvalue__ = __goodsproductionvalue__ FP/nap) és __attackproduction__ % támadási bónusz (egyenlő __attackproduction__ × __attackvalue__ = __attackproductionvalue__ FP/day)
__days__ days
__days__ nap
Daily FP
Napi FP
Key English Hungarian State
% Attack
% Támadás
1 FP equals __percent__% bonus for attacking army
1 FP __percent__%-os bónuszt jelent a támadó hadseregnek
Rating value of 1% bonus for attacking army (in FP)
A támadó hadsereg 1%-os bónuszának értéke (FP-ben)
Break even in
Megtérülési idő
It will take __days__ days until the investment of __costs__ FP has been returned with a daily production of __fpproduction__ FP/day
__days__ napba telik, mire a __costs__ FP befektetését megtérül, ha a termelés __fpproduction__ FP/nap
It will take __days__ days until the investment of __costs__ FP has been returned with a daily production of __fpproduction__ FP/day and __attackproduction__ % attack bonus (equals __attackproduction__ * __attackvalue__ = __attackproductionvalue__ FP/day)
__days__ napig tart, amíg a(z) __costs__ FP befektetés vissza nem térül, ha naponta __fpproduction__ FP/nap a termelés és __attackproduction__ % a támadási bónusz (egyenlő __attackproduction__ × __attackvalue__ = __attackproductionvalue__ FP/nap)
It will take __days__ days until the investment of __costs__ FP has been returned with a daily production of __fpproduction__ FP/day and __goodsproduction__ goods/day (equals __goodsproduction__ * __goodsvalue__ = __goodsproductionvalue__ FP/day)
__days__ napba fog telni, mire a __costs__ FP befektetésed megtérül, ha a termelés __fpproduction__ FP/nap és __goodsproduction__ áruk/nap (azaz __goodsproduction__ × __goodsvalue__ = __goodsproductionvalue__ FP/nap)
It will take __days__ days until the investment of __costs__ FP has been returned with a daily production of __fpproduction__ FP/day, __goodsproduction__ goods/day (equals __goodsproduction__ * __goodsvalue__ = __goodsproductionvalue__ FP/day) and __attackproduction__ % attack bonus (equals __attackproduction__ * __attackvalue__ = __attackproductionvalue__ FP/day)
__days__ napig tart, mire a(z) __costs__ FP befektetés megtérül, ha a napi termelés __fpproduction__ FP/nap és __goodsproduction__ termék/nap (egyenlő __goodsproduction__ × __goodsvalue__ = __goodsproductionvalue__ FP/nap) és __attackproduction__ % támadási bónusz (egyenlő __attackproduction__ × __attackvalue__ = __attackproductionvalue__ FP/day)
__days__ days
__days__ nap



Translation changed

FoE Helper / ExtensionHungarian

It will take __days__ days until the investment of __costs__ FP has been returned with a daily production of __fpproduction__ FP/day and __attackproduction__ % attack bonus (equals __attackproduction__ * __attackvalue__ = __attackproductionvalue__ FP/day)
__days__ napig tart, amíg a(z) __costs__ FP befektetés vissza nem térül, ha naponta __fpproduction__ FP/nap a termelés és __attackproduction__ % a támadási bónusz (egyenlő __attackproduction__ *× __attackvalue__ = __attackproductionvalue__ FP/nap)
3 years ago

New translation

FoE Helper / ExtensionHungarian

It will take __days__ days until the investment of __costs__ FP has been returned with a daily production of __fpproduction__ FP/day and __attackproduction__ % attack bonus (equals __attackproduction__ * __attackvalue__ = __attackproductionvalue__ FP/day)
__days__ napig tart, amíg a(z) __costs__ FP befektetés vissza nem térül, ha naponta __fpproduction__ FP/nap a termelés és __attackproduction__ % a támadási bónusz (egyenlő __attackproduction__ * __attackvalue__ = __attackproductionvalue__ FP/nap)
3 years ago
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English Hungarian
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3 years ago
Translation file
js/web/_i18n/hu.json, string 414