
Notify stacks
Key English Dutch State
This is the position you have chosen.<br>Before you test the next position, wait until this message disappears.
Gekozen positie.<br>Wacht tot deze melding verdwijnt voordat je de volgende positie test.
Preview notification
Voorbeeld melding
Where do you want the notifications to appear on your screen?
Waar moet de melding verschijnen op het scherm?
Notify position
Positie Melding
How many info messages do you want to see at once? The default is a maximum of 4.
Hoeveel informatiemeldingen wil je tegelijkertijd zien? Standaard is een maximum van 4.
Notify stacks
Meldingen stapeling
!!! Attention - Although unlikely, using this option might trigger INNOs bot detection and may cause a short ban period !!! Please let us know should that happen.<br><br>After placing a building from the build menu or the reconstruction side bar will cause the same building to be selected automatically (streets excluded).
Repeat last Building Selection
Should all box coordinates be reset? This can bring back windows you managed to move out of sight.
Moeten de coördinaten van alle vensters verwijderd worden? Dit kan vensters weer zichtbaar te maken die je buiten beeld hebt gesleept.
This translation Translated FoE Helper/Extension
Meldingen stapeling
Following string has different context but same source.
Translated FoE Helper/Extension
Notificatie stacks



New translation

FoE Helper / ExtensionDutch

Notify stacks
Meldingen stapeling
3 years ago
Browse all component changes

Source string comment

Context, not sure of the meaning.

3 years ago


English Dutch
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

No labels currently set.
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
js/web/_i18n/nl.json, string 1459