
Do you want the rewards from GBG and GE to be displayed in a stream over the rewards bar?
Key English Dutch State
Display Event Assistants
Toon de Event Assistent
When opening the building menu in a GBG Province, a table is displayed, showing the possible building combinations that would be better than the current one, sorted by their relative impact on the Guild Treasury.
Wanneer je het gebouwmenu in een GSP-provincie opent, wordt een tabel weergegeven die de mogelijke gebouwcombinaties toont die beter zouden zijn dan de huidige, gesorteerd op hun relatieve impact op de Gilde schatkist.
Show GBG Building Recommendation
Toon GSP Gebouw aanbevelingen
Do you want the GBG Player list to automatically open when clicking on the GBG ranking?
GBG Player Pop Up
Do you want the rewards from GBG and GE to be displayed in a stream over the rewards bar?
Rewards Bar Info
Displays guild treasury export log tool when opening the Guild Treasury Log window
Toont de Gildechat export log tool wanneer het Gildeschat Log venster wordt geopend
Show guild treasury log export tool
Toont de Gildeschat log exporteer applicatie
Display a GB FP investment window when entering 'Town Hall'> 'News'> 'Great Buildings' tab.
Toont een GG FP investeringsvenster wanneer je Stadhuis > Nieuws > Grootse Gebouwen Tab opent.


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes


English Dutch
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

No labels currently set.
Source string age
12 days ago
Translation file
js/web/_i18n/nl.json, string 1443