Welcome to the <strong>Infobox</strong>! While this window remains open, it will show events happening in thedisplay background events (e.g. chat messages, actions in GBG and auction bids)
Welcome to the <strong>Infobox</strong>! While this window remains open, it will display background events (e.g. chat messages, actions in GBG and auction bids)
Bem-vindo à <strong>Caixa de Informação</strong>! Enquanto esta janela permanecer aberta, mostrará os eventos que ocorrerem em segundo plano (tais como mensagens de chat, atividade nos campos de batalha e ofertas em leilões)
Welcome to the <strong>Infobox</strong>! While this window remains open, it will gradually fill up withshow events that occurppening in the silence (such asbackground (e.g. chat messages, attackctions in GBG and auction bids)
Welcome to the <strong>Infobox</strong>! While this window remains open, it will display background events (e.g. chat messages, actions in GBG and auction bids)
Bem-vindo à <strong>Caixa de informação</strong>! Enquanto este janela permanece aberta, vai gradualmente carregar os eventos que ocorrem por detrás (tais como mensagens de chat, ataques nos campos de batalhe e leilões)
Welcome message (work in progresto the <strong>Infobox</strong>! While this window remains open, it will gradually fill up with events that occur in the silence (such as chat messages, attacks in GBG and auction bids)
show events happening in thedisplay background events (e.g. chat messages, actions in GBG and auction bids)