
How many elements should the Infobox display and save?<br>Empty or "0" means infinite.
Key English Russian State
GitHub: for more technical bug reports, concrete ideas and helping with development.
GitHub: для технических баг репортов, конкретных идей и помощи в разработке.
Help and Community
Помощь и сообщество
Website: information and documentation on the extension and it's features.
Сайт: информация и документация о расширении и его возможностях.
During manual battle if the HelperBox gets in the way, this option temporarily hides the box until the battle is over. This only works with Helper 'As Box'
Hide helper during battle
Скрывать FoE Helper во время боя
How many elements should the Infobox display and save?<br>Empty or "0" means infinite.
Сколько записей должен хранить и отображать Инфобокс?<br>Пусто или "0" значит неограниченно.
Infobox Entry Count
Количество записей в Инфобоксе
The Beta-Extension musst be installed and updated manually. Either regularly click the button below to download the current beta or use a Git-Manager></br></br>Unpack the downloaded zip and in the Chrome extension settings activate developer mode to 'load unpacked extension'.</br></br>Only one Version of the Helper should be active at any time to prevent interference!
Load current Beta
Download Beta Extension
Which buttons do you want in the menu?<br>Green: show button. Red: don't show button.
Какие кнопки вы хотите видеть на панели?<br>Зеленая: показать кнопку. Красная: скрыть кнопку.
Key English Russian State
GitHub: for more technical bug reports, concrete ideas and helping with development.
GitHub: для технических баг репортов, конкретных идей и помощи в разработке.
Help and Community
Помощь и сообщество
Website: information and documentation on the extension and it's features.
Сайт: информация и документация о расширении и его возможностях.
During manual battle if the HelperBox gets in the way, this option temporarily hides the box until the battle is over. This only works with Helper 'As Box'
Hide helper during battle
Скрывать FoE Helper во время боя
How many elements should the Infobox display and save?<br>Empty or "0" means infinite.
Сколько записей должен хранить и отображать Инфобокс?<br>Пусто или "0" значит неограниченно.
Infobox Entry Count
Количество записей в Инфобоксе
Download Beta Extension
The Beta-Extension musst be installed and updated manually. Either regularly click the button below to download the current beta or use a Git-Manager></br></br>Unpack the downloaded zip and in the Chrome extension settings activate developer mode to 'load unpacked extension'.</br></br>Only one Version of the Helper should be active at any time to prevent interference!
Load current Beta



New translation

FoE Helper / ExtensionRussian

How many elements should the Infobox display and save?<br>Empty or "0" means infinite.
Сколько записей должен хранить и отображать Инфобокс?<br>Пусто или "0" значит неограниченно.
3 years ago

New translation

FoE Helper / ExtensionRussian

How many elements should the Infobox display and save?<br>Empty or "0" means infinite.
Сколько записей должен хранить и отображать инфобокс?<br> "0" - для неограниченного количества.
3 years ago

Source string changed

FoE Helper / ExtensionRussian

How many elements should the Infoboard showx display and save?<br>Empty or "0" means infinite.
3 years ago
Browse all component changes


English Russian
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

No labels currently set.
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
js/web/_i18n/ru.json, string 1445