
Quest name
Key English Slovak State
Disclaimer: This data is based on your collected data. The numbers shown here are probably not 100% accurate. You'd have to open the list at midnight for them to be correct.
QI Overview
Reconstruction Size List
Quest name
Názov úlohy
Recurring Quests
Opakujúce sa úlohy
This list shows for which of the quests the helper is sure you have already received diamonds - quests are listed here as open even if you have already received diamonds for that quest on another device or before this feature was activated. Since medals only show up as rewards if diamonds have been obtained before, the list will update after either diamonds or medals are obtained.
Zoznam úloh o ktorých si je FOE Helper istý, že už vydali diamanty - úlohy sú zobrazené ako otvorené ak už bol výber diamantov vykonaný na inom zariadení alebo pred aktiváciou pomocníka. Pretože medaile sú získavané len ak už bol pred tým vykonaný zber diamantov za daný typ úlohy, zoznam je aktualizovaný po zisku diamantov alebo medailí.
Display counter for open quests in menu
Zobraziť počítadlo dostupných úloh v menu


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English Slovak
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Source information

No labels currently set.
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
js/web/_i18n/sk.json, string 1007