
Where do you want the notifications to appear on your screen?
Key English Slovak State
Menu Content
Obsah ponuky
How many elements high should the menu be?<br>Empty or "0" means automatic height.
Koľko položiek má obsahovať menu?<br> Prázdne okno alebo "0" znamená automatickú výšku.
Menu Length
Výška menu
This is the position you have chosen.<br>Before you test the next position, wait until this message disappears.
Toto je vybraná pozícia.<br>Kým vyskúšate ďalšiu pozíciu, počkajte kým nezmizne táto správa.
Preview notification
Náhľad do upozornení
Where do you want the notifications to appear on your screen?
Kde na obrazovke si prajete zobrazovať upozornenia?
Notify position
Umiestnenie upozornení
How many info messages do you want to see at once? The default is a maximum of 4.
Koľko informačných správ chcete vidieť naraz? Maximálne 4.
Notify stacks
!!! Attention - Although unlikely, using this option might trigger INNOs bot detection and may cause a short ban period !!! Please let us know should that happen.<br><br>After placing a building from the build menu or the reconstruction side bar will cause the same building to be selected automatically (streets excluded).



New translation

FoE Helper / ExtensionSlovak

Where do you want the notifications to appear on your screen?
Kde na obrazovke si prajete zobrazovať upozornenia?
2 years ago
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English Slovak
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

No labels currently set.
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
js/web/_i18n/sk.json, string 1456