
FP GB ROI compared
Key English Serbian (latin) State
__tiles__ * __fppertile__ = __opcost__ FPs have been subtracted. This is lost by removing other FP producing buildings to make space for __tiles__ tiles to build the GB.
tiles * fppertile = opcost FP su oduzeti. Ovo je izgubljeno uklanjanjem drugih zgrada koje proizvode FP da bi se napravio prostor za tiles plocica za izgradnju GB-a.
Arc: FP Rewards/day from other players
Arc: FP nagrade/dan od drugih igraca
Consider attack bonus
Uzmite u obzir bonus za napad
Consider goods production
Uzmite u obzir proizvodnju dobara
GBs at the top of the list are best value
GB-ovi na vrhu liste imaju najbolju vrednost
FP GB ROI compared
FP GB ROI uporedeni
This value is used for ranking buildings providing attack or defense bonus for the attacking army. How many FP is 1% of either attack or defense boost worth to you?
Ova vrednost se koristi za rangiranje zgrada koje pružaju bonus za napad ili odbranu za napadacku vojsku. Koliko FP vredi 1% povecanja napada ili odbrane za vas?
How many daily FPs per tile are lost for making space for new GBs? Example: You are removing some Shrines of Knowledge to build a GB => 1FP/5 tiles = 0.2FP/tile
Koliko dnevnih FP po plocici se gubi da bi se napravio prostor za nove GB-ove? Na primer: Uklanjate neka Svetilišta znanja da izgradite GB => 1FP/5 plocica = 0.2FP/plocica
GB not yet built. This is the FP costs for buying the required goods
GB još nije izgrađen. Ovo su FP troškovi za kupovinu potrebne robe
Lists the FP costs for buying the required goods (applies only to GBs you have not yet built)
Lista FP troškova za kupovinu potrebne robe (računa se samo za GB-ove koje još niste izgradili)
This value is used for ranking goods producing buildings. How many FP is one good worth to you?
Ova vrednost se koristi za rangiranje zgrada koje proizvode dobra. Koliko FP vredi jedno dobro za vas?
Key English Serbian (latin) State
__tiles__ * __fppertile__ = __opcost__ FPs have been subtracted. This is lost by removing other FP producing buildings to make space for __tiles__ tiles to build the GB.
tiles * fppertile = opcost FP su oduzeti. Ovo je izgubljeno uklanjanjem drugih zgrada koje proizvode FP da bi se napravio prostor za tiles plocica za izgradnju GB-a.
Arc: FP Rewards/day from other players
Arc: FP nagrade/dan od drugih igraca
Consider attack bonus
Uzmite u obzir bonus za napad
Consider goods production
Uzmite u obzir proizvodnju dobara
GBs at the top of the list are best value
GB-ovi na vrhu liste imaju najbolju vrednost
FP GB ROI compared
FP GB ROI uporedeni
This value is used for ranking buildings providing attack or defense bonus for the attacking army. How many FP is 1% of either attack or defense boost worth to you?
Ova vrednost se koristi za rangiranje zgrada koje pružaju bonus za napad ili odbranu za napadacku vojsku. Koliko FP vredi 1% povecanja napada ili odbrane za vas?
How many daily FPs per tile are lost for making space for new GBs? Example: You are removing some Shrines of Knowledge to build a GB => 1FP/5 tiles = 0.2FP/tile
Koliko dnevnih FP po plocici se gubi da bi se napravio prostor za nove GB-ove? Na primer: Uklanjate neka Svetilišta znanja da izgradite GB => 1FP/5 plocica = 0.2FP/plocica
GB not yet built. This is the FP costs for buying the required goods
GB još nije izgrađen. Ovo su FP troškovi za kupovinu potrebne robe
Lists the FP costs for buying the required goods (applies only to GBs you have not yet built)
Lista FP troškova za kupovinu potrebne robe (računa se samo za GB-ove koje još niste izgradili)



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FoE Helper / ExtensionSerbian (latin)

FP GB ROI compared
FP GB ROI uporedeni
2 weeks ago
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Source string comment

ROI (Return on Investment) I don't know how to translate that, I don't even know what mechanics this is associated with.

(Ritorno di investimento) Non so come tradurla, non so nemmeno a che meccanica è associata

4 years ago


English Serbian (latin)
No related strings found in the glossary.

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2 weeks ago
Translation file
js/web/_i18n/sr_Latn.json, string 433