
The Helper uses notifications in various places. You can switch this on or off here.
Key English Serbian (latin) State
Show links
Prikaži linkove
Displays a window that covers the 'Negotiate' Button in Provinces preventing accidental clicking
Prikaz prozora koji prekriva dugme 'Pregovaraj' u provincijama, sprečavajući slučajno kliktanje
Negotiation Blocker
Blokator pregovaranja
Displays a Trade filtering tool when the Market console is opened.
Prikazuje alat za filtriranje trgovine kada je otvorena prozor za trgovinu.
Display Market Filter Tool
Prikaži alat za filtriranje tržišta
The Helper uses notifications in various places. You can switch this on or off here.
Pomoćnik koristi obaveštenja na raznim mestima. Ovde možete ovo uključiti ili isključiti.
Updates the 'GB calculator' for GBs of other players
Ažurira 'GB kalkulator' za GB drugih igraca
Updates the 'GB calculator' for all GBs
Ažurira 'GB kalkulator' za sve GB
Should the motivation activities be tracked when the events are called?<br><br><em>Reload game after conversion</em>
Da li da se aktivnosti motivacije prate kada se dogadaji pozovu?<br><br><em>Ponovo ucitajte igru nakon konverzije</em>
Motivation Activity
Aktivnosti motivacije



Translation changed

FoE Helper / ExtensionSerbian (latin)

The Helper uses notifications in various places. You can switch this on or off here.
Pomocćnik koristi obaveštenja na raznim mestima. Ovde možete ovo ukljucčiti ili iskljucčiti.
2 weeks ago

Translation uploaded

FoE Helper / ExtensionSerbian (latin)

The Helper uses notifications in various places. You can switch this on or off here.
Pomocnik koristi obaveštenja na raznim mestima. Ovde možete ovo ukljuciti ili iskljuciti.
2 weeks ago
Browse all component changes


English Serbian (latin)
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

No labels currently set.
Source string age
2 weeks ago
Translation file
js/web/_i18n/sr_Latn.json, string 1446