
Do not create alerts for selected buildings
Key English Serbian (latin) State
Show Army Advice
Prikaži savete o vojsci
Should the "Aztec Helper" box be opened when starting a Aztec Minigame?
Da li da se "Aztek pomoćnik" prozor otvori kada pokrećete Aztek mini igru?
Aztec Helper
Aztecki pomocnik
Displays a tool that suggests buildings to collect after collecting your Blue Galaxy
Prikazuje alat koji sugeriše zgrade za sakupljanje nakon prikupljanja vaše Plave Galaksije
Display Blue Galaxy Helper
Prikaži pomocnika Plave Galaksije
Do not create alerts for selected buildings
Ne kreirajte upozorenja za izabrane zgrade
Notifications are created, that inform about the expiration of a limited building. (after deactivating this function, alerts that were created in the past may still show)
Upozorenja se kreiraju, koja informišu o isteku ogranicene zgrade. (nakon deaktivacije ove funkcije, upozorenja koja su kreirana u prošlosti mogu se i dalje prikazivati)
Create Limited Building Alerts
Kreiraj upozorenja o ogranicenim zgradama
Displays various Event Assitants, when a supported event window is opened.
Prikazuje različite pomoćnike za događaje kada se otvori prozor podržanog događaja.
Display Event Assistants
Prikaži pomocnike za dogadaje



Translation uploaded

FoE Helper / ExtensionSerbian (latin)

Do not create alerts for selected buildings
Ne kreirajte upozorenja za izabrane zgrade
2 weeks ago
Browse all component changes

Things to check

Double space

Translation contains double space

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Trailing space

Source and translation do not both end with a space

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English Serbian (latin)
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

No labels currently set.
Source string age
2 weeks ago
Translation file
js/web/_i18n/sr_Latn.json, string 1373