<p>Parallel to the browser extension, there is an Android overlay app in the form of the own contribution cost calculator.</p><p>The Android version of Forge of Empires communicates encrypted with the Inno server. Therefore, it is in no way possible to read data as in the extension.</p><p>However, the overlay design allows for convenient operation without leaving Forge of Empires app.</p>
<p>Parallelamente all'estensione del browser, c'è un'app per Android sotto forma di calcolatore del costo del proprio contributo.</p><p>La versione Android di Forge of Empires comunica crittografata con il server Inno. Pertanto, non è in alcun modo possibile leggere i dati come nell'estensione.</p><p>Tuttavia, il design della sovrapposizione consente un funzionamento conveniente senza uscire dall'app Forge of Empires.</p>
The app needs special rights for the correct display "above" the game. To do this, open the FoE Helper app directly after installation and grant the correct rights:
L'app necessita di diritti speciali per la corretta visualizzazione "sopra" il gioco. Per fare ciò, apri l'app FoE Helper direttamente dopo l'installazione e concedi i diritti corretti:
Help with Forge of Empires: personal contribution calculator, Arc calculator, statistics tool for you and your guild - ideal for beginners and professionals. Free of charge!
Hilfe bei Forge of Empires: Eigenanteilsrechner, Arche Rechner, Statistiktool für dich und deine Gilde - ideal für Einsteiger und Profis. Kostenfrei!
This player name is already registered.<br><br>That cant be true? Then write me (in english) <a class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm" role="button" href="mailto:mainline@foe-helper.com?subject=My account is already taken? Please help me!&body=Hey mainline,%%0A%%0AI cannot register my account because it is already taken.%%0A%%0APlayer-name: %s %%0APlayer-ID: %s">Compose email</a>
Dieser Spieler Name ist bereits registriert.<br><br>Das kann nicht stimmen? Dann schreib mir <a class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm" role="button" href="mailto:mainline@foe-helper.com?subject=Mein Account ist schon vergeben? Hilf mir bitte!&body=Hey mainline,%%0A%0Aich kann meinen Account nicht registrieren da er schon vergeben ist.%%0A%%0ASpielername: %s %%0ASpieler-ID: %s">E-Mail verfassen</a>
This cost calculator is part of the <a href="https://docs.foe-helper.com/english/installing" target="_blank">Browser-Extension for Forge of Empires</a>.
Dieser Kostenrechner ist Teil unserer <a href="/docs/" target="_blank">Browser-Extension</a> für Forge of Empires.