
Source string changed

FoE Helper / ExtensionGreek

To help better design your town, we need to upload your data to foe-rechner.deplan your city, we need to send your data to You can then let off steam there. <br>If you don't have an account there yet, your basic data will be sent along with this transmission. You can then register your account on the website.
3 years ago

Translation changed

FoE Helper / ExtensionEnglish

To plan your city on, we need to send your data to the website. <br>If you don't have an account there yet, your basic data will be sent along with this transmission. You can then register your account on the website.
To help better design your town, we need to upload your data to foe-rechner.deplan your city, we need to send your data to You can then let off steam there. <br>If you don't have an account there yet, your basic data will be sent along with this transmission. You can then register your account on the website.
3 years ago

Translation changed

FoE Helper / ExtensionGerman

To plan your city on, we need to send your data to the website. <br>If you don't have an account there yet, your basic data will be sent along with this transmission. You can then register your account on the website.
Um deine Stadt planen zu können, müssen wir deine Daten zu schicken. Dort kannst du dich dann austoben. <br>Solltest Du dort noch keinen Account haben werden mit dieser Übermittlung Deine Grunddaten mitgesendet. Auf der Webseite kannst Du dann deinen Account registrieren.
3 years ago

Translation changed

FoE Helper / ExtensionGerman

To plan your city on, we need to send your data to the website. <br>If you don't have an account there yet, your basic data will be sent along with this transmission. You can then register your account on the website.
Um deine Stadt planen zu können, müssen wir deine Daten zu schicken. Dort kannst du dich dann austoben
3 years ago

Merged repository

FoE Helper / Website

Merged repository 3 years ago

Committed changes

FoE Helper / ExtensionGerman

Committed changes 3 years ago

Merged repository

FoE Helper / Extension

Merged repository 3 years ago

Translation changed

FoE Helper / ExtensionGerman

Send an instant Alert when there is a high activity in GBG (for example, 10 fights in a single sector within 5 seconds). Please note that this function works only when the GBG in-game window is opened!
Sendet sofort eine Benachrichtigung bei hoher Aktivität in den Gildengefechten (z.B. 10 Angriffe auf einen einzelnen Sektor innerhalb von 5 Sekunden). Dies funktioniert nur wenn die Gildengefechte im Spiel geöffnet bleiben!
3 years ago

Translation changed

FoE Helper / ExtensionGerman

Hidden Reward
3 years ago

Translation changed

FoE Helper / ExtensionGerman

Display a window over the "Attack" or "Auto Battle" buttons to prevent accidental clicking when only rogues remain after the first wave.
Setze eine Box über die Schaltfläche "Angriff" oder "Autokampf", um eine Niederlage zu verhindern, wenn nach der ersten Welle nur noch Agenten übrig sind. <br> Wenn wertvolle Einheiten des nächsten Zeitalters getötet wurden, gibt dir diese Box die Möglichkeit diese mit Diamanten zu heilen.
3 years ago

New translation

FoE Helper / ExtensionGerman

3 years ago

Translation changed

FoE Helper / WebsiteCzech

<p class="mt-4 text-justify">Looking for tools and apps that can help you play FoE? But Forge of Empires cheats are not your thing? Then you are exactly right here. The FoE calculator works with the data shown by Innogames unencrypted. These are prepared by our tools and made available to you in order to use one or the other advantage in the well-known online strategy game Forge of Empires.</p><p>For example, simply use the calculator to calculate how many forge points you need to deposit to make sure your guildmates or friends who are in the field are safe and can not be outbid. So you all win.</p><p> Here you can download the <a href="">Extension</a>.</p>
<p class = "mt-4 text-justify"> Hledáte nástroje a aplikace, které vám pomohou hrát FoE? Ale cheaty Forge of Empires nejsou váš šálek kávy? Pak jste tu správně. FoE kalkulačka pracuje s nezašifrovanými daty zobrazenými Innogames. Ty jsou zpracovány našimi nástroji a jsou vám k dispozici, abyste mohli využít jednu či více výhod ve známé online strategické hře Forge of Empires. </p> <p> Například jednoduše použijte kalkulačku k výpočtu počtu bodů, které musíte vložit, aby vaši spolucechovníci nebo přátelé, kteří jsou v terénu, jsou v bezpečí a nemohou být přehozeni. Takže vyhráváte všichni. </p> <p> Když se zaregistrujete a nainstalujete <a href="/docs/en/introduction?lang=en"> rozšíření </a>, uvidíte, kdo ze seznamu přátel pravidelně dohazuje a kdo ne. Takže můžete snadno vyčistit seznam přátel ve FoE. <br> Využijte také příležitost po útoku a zjistěte, která sabotáž je nejúspěšnější. Vyrábí pouze položky nižší kvality nebo je v něm stále jeden nebo druhý FB? To a ještě mnohem více nabízí kalkulačka FoE a rozšíření Forge of Empires pro prohlížeč Chrome. Můžete si jej jednoduše stáhnout zde a těšit se úspěšnými útoky, dostavbou velkých budov na Forge of Empires a mnohem více. Stačí se podívat na informační stránku aplikace, kde najdete další informace. </p>
3 years ago

Translation changed

FoE Helper / WebsiteSwedish

<p class="mt-4 text-justify">Looking for tools and apps that can help you play FoE? But Forge of Empires cheats are not your thing? Then you are exactly right here. The FoE calculator works with the data shown by Innogames unencrypted. These are prepared by our tools and made available to you in order to use one or the other advantage in the well-known online strategy game Forge of Empires.</p><p>For example, simply use the calculator to calculate how many forge points you need to deposit to make sure your guildmates or friends who are in the field are safe and can not be outbid. So you all win.</p><p> Here you can download the <a href="">Extension</a>.</p>
<p class="mt-4 text-justify">Letar du efter verktyg och appar som kan hjälpa dig spela FoE? Men Forge of Empires -fusk är inte din grej? Då har du kommit rätt. FoE kalkylatorn arbetar med den okrypterade datan som visas av Innogames. Dessa är bearbetade av våra verktyg och tillgodogörs dig så att du kan dra nytta av fördelarna med det välkända på-nätet strategispel Forge of Empires.</p><p>T.ex., du kan kalkylera hur mycket FP du måste investera för att säkra upp platser så att ingen kan lägga över dina investerare, därmed förtjänst för er alla.</p><p>När du registrerat och installerat <a href="/docs/en/introduction?lang=en">Tillägget</a>, kan du se vilka vänner som "poliverar" och på så sätt vet vilka att rensa bort bland dem som inte hjälper till.<br>Du kan även ta tillfället i akt och se vilket sabotage (efter lyckad attack) som är lönsammast. Detta och mycket mer erbjuder FoE kalkylatorn och webbläsar-tillägget för Chrome. Du kan enkelt ladda ner det och gotta dig åt lyckade attacker, ascendering av MB slippandes "kapare" och mycket mer. Ta en titt på appens infosida, där finner du mer information.</p>
3 years ago

Translation changed

FoE Helper / WebsiteFrench

<p class="mt-4 text-justify">Looking for tools and apps that can help you play FoE? But Forge of Empires cheats are not your thing? Then you are exactly right here. The FoE calculator works with the data shown by Innogames unencrypted. These are prepared by our tools and made available to you in order to use one or the other advantage in the well-known online strategy game Forge of Empires.</p><p>For example, simply use the calculator to calculate how many forge points you need to deposit to make sure your guildmates or friends who are in the field are safe and can not be outbid. So you all win.</p><p> Here you can download the <a href="">Extension</a>.</p>
<p class = "mt-4 text-justify"> Vous recherchez des outils et des applications qui peuvent vous aider à jouer à FoE ? Mais les astuces de Forge of Empires ne sont pas votre truc ? Vous êtes au bon endroit. Le calculateur FoE fonctionne avec les données affichées par Innogames non chiffrées. Ceux-ci sont préparés par nos outils et mis à votre disposition afin d'utiliser l'un ou l'autre avantage du célèbre jeu de stratégie en ligne Forge of Empires. </p> <p> Par exemple, utilisez simplement la calculatrice pour calculer le nombre de points forge que vous devez déposer pour vous assurer que vos camarades de guilde ou amis soient sécurisés et ne puissent pas être surenchéris. Donc, tout le monde est gagnant. </p> <p> Lorsque vous vous inscrivez et installez l'<a href="/docs/en/introduction?lang=en"> Extension </a>, vous pouvez voir qui, dans votre liste d'amis, polis régulièrement et qui ne le fait pas. Ainsi, vous pouvez facilement nettoyer votre liste d'amis dans FoE. <br> Profitez également de l'occasion après l'attaque pour voir quel sabotage est le plus intéressant. Produit la marchandise la plus faible ou est-ce toujours l'un ou l'autre PF dedans ? Ceci et bien plus encore est offert par la calculatrice FoE et l'extension Forge of Empires pour le navigateur Chrome. Vous pouvez simplement les télécharger ici et vous réjouir des attaques réussies, du nivellement des grands monuments sur Forge of Empires sans snipeur et bien plus encore. Jetez simplement un œil à la page d'informations de l'application, où vous trouverez plus d'informations. </p>
3 years ago

Source string changed

FoE Helper / WebsiteSwedish

<p class="mt-4 text-justify">Looking for tools and apps that can help you play FoE? But Forge of Empires cheats are not your thing? Then you are exactly right here. The FoE calculator works with the data shown by Innogames unencrypted. These are prepared by our tools and made available to you in order to use one or the other advantage in the well-known online strategy game Forge of Empires.</p><p>For example, simply use the calculator to calculate how many forge points you need to deposit to make sure your guildmates or friends who are in the field are safe and can not be outbid. So you all win.</p><p>When you sign up and install the <a href="/docs/en/indroduction?lang=en">Extension</a>, you can see who from your friends list regularly mops and who does not. So you can easily clean up your friends list in FoE.<br>Also, use the opportunity after the attack to see which sabotage is most successful. Produces the inferior only tool or is it still one or the other FP in it? This and much more is offered by the FoE calculator and the Forge of Empires extension for the Chrome browser. You can simply download these here and be pleased about successful attacks, the leveling of great buildings on Forge of Empires without Sniper and much more. Just have a look at the app's info page, where you'll find more information.</p>
3 years ago

Source string changed

FoE Helper / WebsiteCzech

<p class="mt-4 text-justify">Looking for tools and apps that can help you play FoE? But Forge of Empires cheats are not your thing? Then you are exactly right here. The FoE calculator works with the data shown by Innogames unencrypted. These are prepared by our tools and made available to you in order to use one or the other advantage in the well-known online strategy game Forge of Empires.</p><p>For example, simply use the calculator to calculate how many forge points you need to deposit to make sure your guildmates or friends who are in the field are safe and can not be outbid. So you all win.</p><p>When you sign up and install the <a href="/docs/en/indroduction?lang=en">Extension</a>, you can see who from your friends list regularly mops and who does not. So you can easily clean up your friends list in FoE.<br>Also, use the opportunity after the attack to see which sabotage is most successful. Produces the inferior only tool or is it still one or the other FP in it? This and much more is offered by the FoE calculator and the Forge of Empires extension for the Chrome browser. You can simply download these here and be pleased about successful attacks, the leveling of great buildings on Forge of Empires without Sniper and much more. Just have a look at the app's info page, where you'll find more information.</p>
3 years ago

Source string changed

FoE Helper / WebsiteRomanian

<p class="mt-4 text-justify">Looking for tools and apps that can help you play FoE? But Forge of Empires cheats are not your thing? Then you are exactly right here. The FoE calculator works with the data shown by Innogames unencrypted. These are prepared by our tools and made available to you in order to use one or the other advantage in the well-known online strategy game Forge of Empires.</p><p>For example, simply use the calculator to calculate how many forge points you need to deposit to make sure your guildmates or friends who are in the field are safe and can not be outbid. So you all win.</p><p>When you sign up and install the <a href="/docs/en/indroduction?lang=en">Extension</a>, you can see who from your friends list regularly mops and who does not. So you can easily clean up your friends list in FoE.<br>Also, use the opportunity after the attack to see which sabotage is most successful. Produces the inferior only tool or is it still one or the other FP in it? This and much more is offered by the FoE calculator and the Forge of Empires extension for the Chrome browser. You can simply download these here and be pleased about successful attacks, the leveling of great buildings on Forge of Empires without Sniper and much more. Just have a look at the app's info page, where you'll find more information.</p>
3 years ago

Source string changed

FoE Helper / WebsiteGerman

<p class="mt-4 text-justify">Looking for tools and apps that can help you play FoE? But Forge of Empires cheats are not your thing? Then you are exactly right here. The FoE calculator works with the data shown by Innogames unencrypted. These are prepared by our tools and made available to you in order to use one or the other advantage in the well-known online strategy game Forge of Empires.</p><p>For example, simply use the calculator to calculate how many forge points you need to deposit to make sure your guildmates or friends who are in the field are safe and can not be outbid. So you all win.</p><p>When you sign up and install the <a href="/docs/en/indroduction?lang=en">Extension</a>, you can see who from your friends list regularly mops and who does not. So you can easily clean up your friends list in FoE.<br>Also, use the opportunity after the attack to see which sabotage is most successful. Produces the inferior only tool or is it still one or the other FP in it? This and much more is offered by the FoE calculator and the Forge of Empires extension for the Chrome browser. You can simply download these here and be pleased about successful attacks, the leveling of great buildings on Forge of Empires without Sniper and much more. Just have a look at the app's info page, where you'll find more information.</p>
3 years ago

Source string changed

FoE Helper / WebsiteFrench

<p class="mt-4 text-justify">Looking for tools and apps that can help you play FoE? But Forge of Empires cheats are not your thing? Then you are exactly right here. The FoE calculator works with the data shown by Innogames unencrypted. These are prepared by our tools and made available to you in order to use one or the other advantage in the well-known online strategy game Forge of Empires.</p><p>For example, simply use the calculator to calculate how many forge points you need to deposit to make sure your guildmates or friends who are in the field are safe and can not be outbid. So you all win.</p><p>When you sign up and install the <a href="/docs/en/indroduction?lang=en">Extension</a>, you can see who from your friends list regularly mops and who does not. So you can easily clean up your friends list in FoE.<br>Also, use the opportunity after the attack to see which sabotage is most successful. Produces the inferior only tool or is it still one or the other FP in it? This and much more is offered by the FoE calculator and the Forge of Empires extension for the Chrome browser. You can simply download these here and be pleased about successful attacks, the leveling of great buildings on Forge of Empires without Sniper and much more. Just have a look at the app's info page, where you'll find more information.</p>
3 years ago

Source string changed

FoE Helper / WebsiteSlovak

<p class="mt-4 text-justify">Looking for tools and apps that can help you play FoE? But Forge of Empires cheats are not your thing? Then you are exactly right here. The FoE calculator works with the data shown by Innogames unencrypted. These are prepared by our tools and made available to you in order to use one or the other advantage in the well-known online strategy game Forge of Empires.</p><p>For example, simply use the calculator to calculate how many forge points you need to deposit to make sure your guildmates or friends who are in the field are safe and can not be outbid. So you all win.</p><p>When you sign up and install the <a href="/docs/en/indroduction?lang=en">Extension</a>, you can see who from your friends list regularly mops and who does not. So you can easily clean up your friends list in FoE.<br>Also, use the opportunity after the attack to see which sabotage is most successful. Produces the inferior only tool or is it still one or the other FP in it? This and much more is offered by the FoE calculator and the Forge of Empires extension for the Chrome browser. You can simply download these here and be pleased about successful attacks, the leveling of great buildings on Forge of Empires without Sniper and much more. Just have a look at the app's info page, where you'll find more information.</p>
3 years ago
