To plan your city on, we need to send your data to the website. <br>If you don't have an account there yet, your basic data will be sent along with this transmission. You can then register your account on the website.
Aby sme mohli naplánovať vaše mesto na, musíme odoslať vaše údaje na webovú lokalitu. <br>Ak tam ešte nemáte účet, vaše základné údaje budú odoslané spolu s týmto prenosom. Potom si môžete zaregistrovať svoj účet na webovej stránke.
To plan your city on, we need to send your data to You can then let off steam therthe website. <br>If you don't have an account there yet, your basic data will be sent along with this transmission. You can then register your account on the website.
To plan your city on, we need to send your data to the website. <br>If you don't have an account there yet, your basic data will be sent along with this transmission. You can then register your account on the website.
Aby bolo možné naplánovať Vaše mesto, potrebujeme nahrať údaje na náš server Tam sa môžte ďalej realizovať. <br>Ak tam ešte nemáte účet, vaše základné údaje budú odoslané spolu s týmto prenosom. Potom si môžete zaregistrovať svoj účet na webovej stránke.
To help better design your town, we need to upload your data to foe-rechner.deplan your city, we need to send your data to You can then let off steam there. <br>If you don't have an account there yet, your basic data will be sent along with this transmission. You can then register your account on the website.