
Notify position
Key English Serbian (latin) State
How many elements high should the menu be?<br>Empty or "0" means automatic height.
Koliko elemenata visoko treba da bude meni?<br>Prazno ili "0" znaci automatska visina.
Menu Length
Dužina menija
This is the position you have chosen.<br>Before you test the next position, wait until this message disappears.
Ovo je pozicija koju ste izabrali.<br>Pre nego što testirate sledeću poziciju, sačekajte da ova poruka nestane.
Preview notification
Pregled obaveštenja
Where do you want the notifications to appear on your screen?
Gde želite da se obaveštenja pojavljuju na ekranu?
Notify position
Pozicija obaveštenja
How many info messages do you want to see at once? The default is a maximum of 4.
Koliko informativnih poruka želite da vidite odjednom? Podrazumevano je maksimalno 4.
Notify stacks
Obaveštenja skupova
Should all box coordinates be reset? This can bring back windows you managed to move out of sight.
Da li treba resetovati sve koordinate prozora? Ovo može vratiti prozore koje ste uspeli da pomerite izvan vidokruga.
Box Coordinates
Koordinate kutija
This translation Needs editing FoE Helper/Extension
Pozicija obaveštenja
Following string has different context but same source.
Needs editing FoE Helper/Extension
Obaveštavanje pozicije



Translation uploaded

FoE Helper / ExtensionSerbian (latin)

Notify position
Pozicija obaveštenja
2 weeks ago
Browse all component changes

Things to check

Double space

Translation contains double space

Fix string


Trailing space

Source and translation do not both end with a space

Fix string


English Serbian (latin)
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

No labels currently set.
Source string age
2 weeks ago
Translation file
js/web/_i18n/sr_Latn.json, string 1417