
Rating value of 1% bonus for attacking army (in FP)
Key English Swedish State
Friendly invest
Vänlig investering
% Attack
% Attack
1 FP equals __percent__% bonus for attacking army
1 FP är lika med __percent__% bonus för attackerande armé
Rating value of 1% bonus for attacking army (in FP)
Rating value of 1% bonus for attacking army (in FP)
Break even in
Går jämt ut om
It will take __days__ days until the investment of __costs__ FP has been returned with a daily production of __fpproduction__ FP/day
Det kommer att ta __days__ dagar tills investeringen av __costs__ FP har returnerats med en daglig produktion av__fpproduction__ FP/dag
It will take __days__ days until the investment of __costs__ FP has been returned with a daily production of __fpproduction__ FP/day and __attackproduction__ % attack bonus (equals __attackproduction__ * __attackvalue__ = __attackproductionvalue__ FP/day)
Det kommer att ta __days__ dagar innan investeringen av __costs__ FP kommer tillbaka med en daglig produktion av __fpproduction__ FP/dag och __attackproduction__ % attack bonus (är lika med __attackproduction__ * __attackvalue__ = __attackproductionvalue__ FP/dag)
It will take __days__ days until the investment of __costs__ FP has been returned with a daily production of __fpproduction__ FP/day and __goodsproduction__ goods/day (equals __goodsproduction__ * __goodsvalue__ = __goodsproductionvalue__ FP/day)
Det kommer att ta __days__ dagar tills investeringen av __costs__ FP har returnerats med en daglig produktion av __fpproduction__ FP/dag och __goodsproduction__ gods/dag (jämställt __goodsproduction__ * __goodsvalue__ = __goodsproductionvalue__ FP/dag)
It will take __days__ days until the investment of __costs__ FP has been returned with a daily production of __fpproduction__ FP/day, __goodsproduction__ goods/day (equals __goodsproduction__ * __goodsvalue__ = __goodsproductionvalue__ FP/day) and __attackproduction__ % attack bonus (equals __attackproduction__ * __attackvalue__ = __attackproductionvalue__ FP/day)
Det kommer att ta __days__ dagar innan investeringen av __costs__ FP kommer tillbaka med en daglig produktion av __fpproduction__ FP/dag, __goodsproduction__ gods/dag (equals __goodsproduction__ * __goodsvalue__ = __goodsproductionvalue__ FP/dag) och __attackproduction__ % attack bonus (är lika med __attackproduction__ * __attackvalue__ = __attackproductionvalue__ FP/dag)
Key English Swedish State
Friendly invest
Vänlig investering
% Attack
% Attack
1 FP equals __percent__% bonus for attacking army
1 FP är lika med __percent__% bonus för attackerande armé
Rating value of 1% bonus for attacking army (in FP)
Rating value of 1% bonus for attacking army (in FP)
Break even in
Går jämt ut om
It will take __days__ days until the investment of __costs__ FP has been returned with a daily production of __fpproduction__ FP/day
Det kommer att ta __days__ dagar tills investeringen av __costs__ FP har returnerats med en daglig produktion av__fpproduction__ FP/dag
It will take __days__ days until the investment of __costs__ FP has been returned with a daily production of __fpproduction__ FP/day and __attackproduction__ % attack bonus (equals __attackproduction__ * __attackvalue__ = __attackproductionvalue__ FP/day)
Det kommer att ta __days__ dagar innan investeringen av __costs__ FP kommer tillbaka med en daglig produktion av __fpproduction__ FP/dag och __attackproduction__ % attack bonus (är lika med __attackproduction__ * __attackvalue__ = __attackproductionvalue__ FP/dag)
It will take __days__ days until the investment of __costs__ FP has been returned with a daily production of __fpproduction__ FP/day and __goodsproduction__ goods/day (equals __goodsproduction__ * __goodsvalue__ = __goodsproductionvalue__ FP/day)
Det kommer att ta __days__ dagar tills investeringen av __costs__ FP har returnerats med en daglig produktion av __fpproduction__ FP/dag och __goodsproduction__ gods/dag (jämställt __goodsproduction__ * __goodsvalue__ = __goodsproductionvalue__ FP/dag)



Marked for edit

FoE Helper / ExtensionSwedish

Rating value of 1% bonus for attacking army (in FP)
Rating value of 1% bonus for attacking army (in FP)
3 years ago
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Things to check

Unchanged translation

Source and translation are identical


Has been translated

This string has been translated in the past



English Swedish
FP FP FoE Helper
Rate Kurs FoE Helper
Rating Värdering FoE Helper
Army Armé FoE Helper
Terracotta Army Terracottaarmé FoE Helper
Attack Attackera FoE Helper
Rating Värdering FoE Helper

Source information

No labels currently set.
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
js/web/_i18n/sv.json, string 411