
You have just received a large amount of forge points and want to level up another great building as quickly as possible in Forge of Empires, the online strategy game?<br>Before you click into each of your great buildings, use the tool and ask what is worthwhile with just a few details. Our FoE calculator is not a Forge of Empires cheat, but a legal way to optimise your game in Forge of Empires.
Key English Swedish State
Actual level
Nuvarande nivå
Arc Bonus
Ark bonus
Attack / Defense
Attack / Defens
You have just received a large amount of forge points and want to level up another great building as quickly as possible in Forge of Empires, the online strategy game?<br>Before you click into each of your great buildings, use the tool and ask what is worthwhile with just a few details. Our FoE calculator is not a Forge of Empires cheat, but a legal way to optimise your game in Forge of Empires.
Du har precis fått en stor summa FP och vill öka nivån på ett annat MB så fort som möjligt i Forge of Empires, på nätet strategispel?<br>Innan du klickar på dina egna MB, använd detta verktyg och kontrollera om det är lönsamt enbart med hjälp av lite detaljer. Vår FoE-kalkylator är inte något fusk, utan ett legalt sätt att optimisera ditt spel i Forge of Empires.
Which Great Building would be the "cheapest" to level up to the next level?<br>You can quickly calculate this here. The <span class="d-inline-block px-1" style="background-color: #c3e6cb">green</span> marked GB is the next one with the smallest own contribution.<br><br>If you are logged in, your current levels, if any, will be entered automatically.
Vilken mäktig byggnad är den "billigaste" att öka nivån på?<br>Du kan snabbt kalkylera det här. Det <span class="d-inline-block px-1" style="background-color: #c3e6cb">grönt</span> markerade MB't är det nästa som kostar minst för dig.<br><br>Om du är inloggad kommer nivåerna matas in automatiskt.
Forge Points
from Modern?
från Modern?
Investment calculator
Key English Swedish State
Actual level
Nuvarande nivå
Arc Bonus
Ark bonus
Attack / Defense
Attack / Defens
You have just received a large amount of forge points and want to level up another great building as quickly as possible in Forge of Empires, the online strategy game?<br>Before you click into each of your great buildings, use the tool and ask what is worthwhile with just a few details. Our FoE calculator is not a Forge of Empires cheat, but a legal way to optimise your game in Forge of Empires.
Du har precis fått en stor summa FP och vill öka nivån på ett annat MB så fort som möjligt i Forge of Empires, på nätet strategispel?<br>Innan du klickar på dina egna MB, använd detta verktyg och kontrollera om det är lönsamt enbart med hjälp av lite detaljer. Vår FoE-kalkylator är inte något fusk, utan ett legalt sätt att optimisera ditt spel i Forge of Empires.
Which Great Building would be the "cheapest" to level up to the next level?<br>You can quickly calculate this here. The <span class="d-inline-block px-1" style="background-color: #c3e6cb">green</span> marked GB is the next one with the smallest own contribution.<br><br>If you are logged in, your current levels, if any, will be entered automatically.
Vilken mäktig byggnad är den "billigaste" att öka nivån på?<br>Du kan snabbt kalkylera det här. Det <span class="d-inline-block px-1" style="background-color: #c3e6cb">grönt</span> markerade MB't är det nästa som kostar minst för dig.<br><br>Om du är inloggad kommer nivåerna matas in automatiskt.
Forge Points
from Modern?
från Modern?



Translation changed

FoE Helper / WebsiteSwedish

You have just received a large amount of forge points and want to level up another great building as quickly as possible in Forge of Empires, the online strategy game?<br>Before you click into each of your great buildings, use the tool and ask what is worthwhile with just a few details. Our FoE calculator is not a Forge of Empires cheat, but a legal way to optimise your game in Forge of Empires.
Du har precis fått en stor summa FP och vill öka nivån på ett annat MB så fort som möjligt i Forge of Empires, på nätet strategispel?<br>Innan du klickar på dina egna MB, använd detta verktyg och kontrollera om det är lönsamt enbart med hjälp av lite detaljer. Vår FoE-kalkylator är inte något fusk, utan ett legalt sätt att optimisera ditt spel i Forge of Empires.
3 years ago

Source string changed

FoE Helper / WebsiteSwedish

You have just received a large amount of forge points and want to level up another great building as quickly as possible in Forge of Empires, the online strategy game?<br>Before you click into each of your great buildings, use the tool and ask what is worthwhile with just a few details. Our FoE calculator is not a fForge of eEmpires cheat, but a legal way to optimise your game in Forge of Empires.
3 years ago

Source string changed

FoE Helper / WebsiteSwedish

You have just received a large amount of forge points and want to level up another great building as quickly as possible in Forge of Empires, the online strategy game?<br>Before you click into each of your legendarygreat buildings, use the tool and ask what is worthwhile with just a few details. Our FoE calculator is not a forge of empires cheat, but a legal way to optimise your game in Forge of Empires.
3 years ago

Source string changed

FoE Helper / WebsiteSwedish

You have just received a large amount of forge points and want to level up another legendarygreat building as quickly as possible in Forge of Empires, the online strategy game?<br>Before you click into each of your legendary buildings, use the tool and ask what is worthwhile with just a few details. Our FoE calculator is not a forge of empire cheat, but a legal way to optimise your game in Forge of Empires.
3 years ago

Source string changed

FoE Helper / WebsiteSwedish

You have just received a large amount of forge points and want to level up another legendary building as quickly as possible in Forge of Empires, the online strategy game?<br>Before you click into each of your legendary buildings, use the tool and ask what is worthwhile with just a few details. Our FOoE calculator is not a forge of empire cheat, but a legal way to optimise your game in Forge of Empires.
3 years ago

New translation

FoE Helper / WebsiteSwedish

You have just received a large amount of forge points and want to level up another great building as quickly as possible in Forge of Empires, the online strategy game?<br>Before you click into each of your great buildings, use the tool and ask what is worthwhile with just a few details. Our FoE calculator is not a Forge of Empires cheat, but a legal way to optimise your game in Forge of Empires.
Du har precis fått en stor summa FP och vill öka nivån på ett annat MB så fort som möjligt i Forge of Empires, på nätet strategispel?<br>Innan du klickar på dina egna MB, använd detta verktyg och kontrollera om det är lönsamt enbart med hjälp av lite detaljer. Vår FoE-kalkylator är inte något fusk, utan ett legalt sätt att optimisera ditt spel i Forge of Empires.
3 years ago
Browse all component changes


English Swedish
Level Nivå FoE Helper
Points Poäng FoE Helper
buildings byggnader FoE Helper
Building Byggnad FoE Helper
level nivå FoE Helper
amount mängd FoE Helper
Click Klicka FoE Helper
game spel FoE Helper
building byggnad FoE Helper
Production Buildings Produktionsbyggnader FoE Helper
Great Buildings Mäktiga byggnader FoE Helper
GB calculator MB kalkylator FoE Helper
Forge points Forskningspoäng FoE Helper
Calculator Kalkylator FoE Helper
want vill FoE Helper
Investment Calculator Investeringskalkylator FoE Helper
Legendary Building Mäktig byggnad FoE Helper
Buildings Byggnader FoE Helper
tool verktyg FoE Helper
strategy game strategispel FoE Helper
Great building Mäktig byggnad FoE Helper
FoE Helper FoE Helper FoE Helper
Own share calculator Egen del kalkylator FoE Helper
Level Ascendera FoE Helper

Source information

No labels currently set.
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
i18n/sv.json, string 240