Username Miiguelito153
Full name Miguel Angel Alvarez
Translations made 31
Suggestions made 0
Pending suggestions Browse pending 0
Screenshots uploaded 0
Last login April 14, 2024, 10:41 p.m.
Registration date April 14, 2024, 10:26 p.m.


FoE Helper

Activity in last 30 days

Activity in last year

Recent changes


Translation changed

FoE Helper / ExtensionSpanish

Your army has only Rogues remining. Either heal units using diamonds or retreat!
Tu ejército solo tiene Agentes Secretos . ¡Sana unidades con diamantes o retírate!
3 months ago

Translation changed

FoE Helper / ExtensionSpanish

Display Alert suggestions (for example, when clicking on a GBG sector, or collecting a building production)
Mostrar sugerencias de alerta (por ejemplo, cuando se hace click en un sector del Campo de Batallas, o se recoge la producción de un edificio)
3 months ago
Battle surrendered
Batalla rendida
3 months ago
Battle lost
Batalla perdida
3 months ago
Wave 2
Onda 2
3 months ago
Wave 1
Onda 1
3 months ago
3 months ago
3 months ago
Recent Opponents
Oponentes recientes
3 months ago
1) When an opposing army has a bonus above the given threshold, the advice will be displayed. <br>2) To edit thresholds and advices, click into the table - confirm changes with Enter. <br>3) To remove an advice, save with an empty advice.
1) Cuando un ejército oponente tenga un bono por encima del umbral dado, se mostrará el consejo. <br>2) Para editar los umbrales y los consejos, haga clic en la tabla - confirme los cambios con Intro. <br>3) Para eliminar un consejo, guarde un consejo vacío.
3 months ago
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