
Suggestion added

FoE Helper / ExtensionFrench

In-game Notifications
Notifications dans le jeu
4 years ago

Suggestion added

FoE Helper / ExtensionFrench

Notify Early Offset
Décalage entre alerte et événement (en secondes)
4 years ago

Suggestion added

FoE Helper / ExtensionFrench

Automatically generated Alert times (Antiques Dealer, GBG etc) will use this offset to send notification before the event actually happens. For example, setting this value to 30 (seconds), Auction Alerts will be displayed 30s before the auction actually ends!
Les alertes générées automatiquement (Vendeur d'antiquités, Champs de Bataille de guilde, etc.) seront programmées avec un décalage pour vous avertir avant que l’événement n'intervienne. Par exemple, configurer cette valeur sur 30 (secondes), vous permettra d'être alerté 30 secondes avant la fin d'une enchère !
4 years ago

Suggestion added

FoE Helper / ExtensionFrench

GBG Tracker
Suivi du Champ de Bataille de guilde (CdB)
4 years ago

Suggestion added

FoE Helper / ExtensionFrench

Send an instant Alert when there is a high activity in GBG (for example, 10 fights in a single sector within 5 seconds). Please note that this function works only when the GBG in-game window is opened!
Envoyez une notification en cas d'activité élevée dans les Champs de Bataille de guilde (CdB), comme par exemple, 10 combats dans un même secteur en 5 secondes. Veuillez noter que cette fonction ne fonctionne que lorsque les Champs de Bataille de guilde (CdB) sont ouverts dans le jeu !
4 years ago

Suggestion added

FoE Helper / ExtensionFrench

GBG Provinces
Provinces des Champs de Bataille (CdB)
4 years ago

Suggestion added

FoE Helper / ExtensionDanish

Player ID:
Spiller ID:
4 years ago

Suggestion added

FoE Helper / ExtensionDanish

Guild ID:
Klan ID:
4 years ago

Suggestion added

FoE Helper / ExtensionDanish

The data below can be marked to copy them.
<p>FoE Helper er en fri uofficiel browserudvidelse for Forge of Empires, udviklet af spillere for spillere.</p><a target='_blank' href='' class='game-cursor'>Changelog</a>
4 years ago

Suggestion added

FoE Helper / ExtensionDanish

Upload Data
4 years ago

Suggestion added

FoE Helper / ExtensionDanish

Menu + Notifications
4 years ago

Suggestion added

FoE Helper / ExtensionDanish

4 years ago

Suggestion added

FoE Helper / ExtensionDanish

Info + Website
4 years ago

Suggestion added

FoE Helper / ExtensionDanish

Updates the 'GB calculator' for GBs of other players
Viser SB beregneren ved SBer, der tilhører andre spillere.
4 years ago

Suggestion added

FoE Helper / ExtensionDanish

Updates the 'GB calculator' for all GBs
Viser SB beregneren for alle SB'er
4 years ago

Suggestion added

FoE Helper / ExtensionDanish

Display a GB FP investment window when entering 'Town Hall'> 'News'> 'Great Buildings' tab.
Viser summen af dine investerede FP i andre's SB'er ved besøg i 'Rådhus' > 'Nyheder' > 'Storslåede Bygninger.
4 years ago

Suggestion added

FoE Helper / ExtensionDanish

Box Coordinates
Boks positioner
4 years ago

Suggestion added

FoE Helper / ExtensionDanish

Should all box coordinates be reset? This can bring back windows you managed to move out of sight.
Skal alle bokse flyttes tilbage til deres oprindelige position på skærmen?
4 years ago

Suggestion added

FoE Helper / ExtensionDanish

Box Coordinates
Nulstil boks positioner
4 years ago

Suggestion added

FoE Helper / ExtensionDanish

Website: information and documentation on the extension and it's features.
Hjemmesiden: Information om udvidelsen og dokumantation for dens fremtid.
4 years ago
