
<span style="color:#ffb539">__provinceName__</span> was captured by <span style="color:__attackerColor__;text-shadow: 0 1px 1px __attackerShadow__">__attackerName__</span> and is locked until __untilOccupied__.
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<strong>__player__</strong> has just placed a bid for __amount__ Trade Coins.
<strong>__player__</strong> tocmai a făcut o ofertă pentru __amount__ Trade Coins.
<strong>__player__</strong> has just contributed __points__ GE points.
<strong>__player__</strong> tocmai a primit __points__ puncte în EG.
<span style="color:#ffb539">__provinceName__</span> was captured by <span style="color:__attackerColor__;text-shadow: 0 1px 1px __attackerShadow__">__attackerName__</span> and is locked until __untilOccupied__.
Sectorul <span style="color:#ffb539">__provinceName__</span> a fost cucerit de către <span style="color:__attackerColor__;text-shadow: 0 1px 1px __attackerShadow__">__attackerName__</span> și este blocat până la __untilOccupied__
__player__'s __building__ has just reached level __level__.<br>You took spot <strong>__rank__ </strong> and received <strong>__fps__</strong> FPs.
Clădirea __building__ a jucătorului __player__ a ajuns la nivelul __level__.<br>Ai ocupat locul <strong>__rank__th</strong> și ai obținut <strong>__fps__</strong>PF.
__building__ - Level __level__
__building__ - Nivelul __level__
<strong>__player__</strong> accepted your trade of __offerValue__ __offer__ for __needValue__ __need__.
<strong>__player__</strong> a acceptat oferta ta.<br />Ai primit __needValue__ __need__ pentru __offerValue__ __offer__.
Welcome to the <strong>Infobox</strong>! While this window remains open, it will display background events (e.g. chat messages, actions in GBG and auction bids)
Bine ați venit la <strong> Infobox </strong>! În timp ce această fereastră rămâne deschisă, se va umple treptat cu evenimente care apar în liniște (cum ar fi mesaje de chat, atacuri în GbG și licitații)
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Key English Romanian State
Creștere CL
Centru de mesaje
<strong>__player__</strong> has just placed a bid for __amount__ Trade Coins.
<strong>__player__</strong> tocmai a făcut o ofertă pentru __amount__ Trade Coins.
<strong>__player__</strong> has just contributed __points__ GE points.
<strong>__player__</strong> tocmai a primit __points__ puncte în EG.
<span style="color:#ffb539">__provinceName__</span> was captured by <span style="color:__attackerColor__;text-shadow: 0 1px 1px __attackerShadow__">__attackerName__</span> and is locked until __untilOccupied__.
Sectorul <span style="color:#ffb539">__provinceName__</span> a fost cucerit de către <span style="color:__attackerColor__;text-shadow: 0 1px 1px __attackerShadow__">__attackerName__</span> și este blocat până la __untilOccupied__
__player__'s __building__ has just reached level __level__.<br>You took spot <strong>__rank__ </strong> and received <strong>__fps__</strong> FPs.
Clădirea __building__ a jucătorului __player__ a ajuns la nivelul __level__.<br>Ai ocupat locul <strong>__rank__th</strong> și ai obținut <strong>__fps__</strong>PF.
__building__ - Level __level__
__building__ - Nivelul __level__
<strong>__player__</strong> accepted your trade of __offerValue__ __offer__ for __needValue__ __need__.
<strong>__player__</strong> a acceptat oferta ta.<br />Ai primit __needValue__ __need__ pentru __offerValue__ __offer__.
Welcome to the <strong>Infobox</strong>! While this window remains open, it will display background events (e.g. chat messages, actions in GBG and auction bids)
Bine ați venit la <strong> Infobox </strong>! În timp ce această fereastră rămâne deschisă, se va umple treptat cu evenimente care apar în liniște (cum ar fi mesaje de chat, atacuri în GbG și licitații)


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English Romanian
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4 years ago
Translation file
js/web/_i18n/ro.json, string 598