
Display a list of Alerts which expired while offline (since the game window was closed)



Translation changed

FoE Helper / ExtensionSwedish

Display a list of Alerts which expired while offline (since the game window was closed)
Visa en lista över Alerter som expirerat medans bortkopplad (spelfönstret stängt)
a year ago

Suggestion added

FoE Helper / ExtensionSwedish

Display a list of Alerts which expired while offline (since the game window was closed)
Visa en lista över Alarm som har gått ut under tiden spelfönstret har varit stängt.
3 years ago

Marked for edit

FoE Helper / ExtensionSwedish

Display a list of Alerts which expired while offline (since the game window was closed)
Visa en lista över Alerter som expirerat medans bortkopplad (spelfönstret stängt)
3 years ago
Browse all component changes


English Swedish
window fönster FoE Helper
display visa FoE Helper
list lista FoE Helper
game spel FoE Helper
Expired Utgången FoE Helper
Close Stäng FoE Helper
drop-down list släpp-ner-lista FoE Helper
strategy game strategispel FoE Helper

Source information

No labels currently set.
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
js/web/_i18n/sv.json, string 46