
This log is filled with actions that occur while you are active on the GvG map. The information will (currently) not be saved. You can filter it by anything: a sector number, a guild name, an action, your own nickname.



New translation

FoE Helper / ExtensionSwedish

This log is filled with actions that occur while you are active on the GvG map. The information will (currently) not be saved. You can filter it by anything: a sector number, a guild name, an action, your own nickname.
Denna log är fylld med händelser som inträffat då du var aktiv i GvG. Informationen kommer (f.n.) inte att sparas. Du kan filtrera det med vad som helst; ett sektor-nummer, ett gille-namn, en händelse ditt eget alias.
a year ago

Source string changed

FoE Helper / ExtensionSwedish

This log is filled with actions that occur while you are active on athe GvG map. The information will (currently) not be saved. You can filter it by anything: a sector number, a guild name, an action, your own nickname.
3 years ago
Browse all component changes


English Swedish
Guild Imperium FoE Helper
Save Spara FoE Helper
filter filter FoE Helper
Name Namn FoE Helper
Guild member Imperiemedlem FoE Helper
Current Nuvarande FoE Helper
Guild Treasury Imperieskattkammare FoE Helper
saved sparade FoE Helper
Group Name Gruppnamn FoE Helper
Guild members Imperiemedlemmar FoE Helper
Guild Expedition Imperiumexpedition FoE Helper
Player name Spelarnamn FoE Helper
Sector Sektor FoE Helper

Source information

No labels currently set.
Source string age
3 years ago
Translation file
js/web/_i18n/sv.json, string 549