
Show PvP-Arena-Protocol, when opening the PvP-Arena?
Key English Swedish State
Updates the 'GB calculator' for all GBs
Visa "MB kalkylator" för alla MBs
Should the motivation activities be tracked when the events are called?<br><br><em>Reload game after conversion</em>
Ska motiveringsaktivitet skickas när du kollar på händelsehistorik
Motivation Activity
Motivation aktivitet
Shows an icon in the top right corner displaying the shortest currently running potion and giving an inventory list of potions upon hover. (De)Activating this option might not immediately remove/show the icon - wait or reload.
Battle Potions
Show PvP-Arena-Protocol, when opening the PvP-Arena?
Provides a sortable list of all buildings and their sizes in resonstruction mode
Display size-list in reconstruction mode
Display a window over the "Attack" or "Auto Battle" buttons to prevent accidental clicking when only rogues remain after the first wave.
Visar ett fönster över "Attackera" eller "Autostrid" för att förhindra oavsiktliga klick när endast Skurkar återstår efter första vågen.<br>Dessutom, om enheter från en högre era dog ger detta fönster dig en chans att hela dem med diamanter.


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes


English Swedish
show visa FoE Helper
Open Öppna FoE Helper

Source information

No labels currently set.
Source string age
10 months ago
Translation file
js/web/_i18n/sv.json, string 1507