
Shows a box that temporarily covers the FP entry field in GB after a donation. The value determines the duration the box is shown in seconds - when 0, the box does not show



Translation changed

FoE Helper / ExtensionSwedish

Shows a box that temporarily covers the FP entry field in GB after a donation. The value determines the duration the box is shown in seconds - when 0, the box does not show
Visar en temporär box som täcker rutan för FP-donation efter donation. Värdet anger hur många sekunder boxen täcker. 0 = boxen är inaktiverad.
a year ago

New translation

FoE Helper / ExtensionSwedish

Shows a box that temporarily covers the FP entry field in GB after a donation. The value determines the duration the box is shown in seconds - when 0, the box does not show
Visar en temporär box som täcker rutan för FP-donation efter donation. Värdet anger hur många sekunder boxen täcker. 0 = boxen är inaktiverad.
a year ago
Browse all component changes


English Swedish
show visa FoE Helper
GB MB FoE Helper
FP FP FoE Helper
GB calculator MB kalkylator FoE Helper

Source information

No labels currently set.
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
js/web/_i18n/sv.json, string 1556