
Disclaimer: This data is based on your collected data. The numbers shown here are probably not 100% accurate. You'd have to open the list at midnight for them to be correct.



New translation

FoE Helper / ExtensionFrench

Disclaimer: This data is based on your collected data. The numbers shown here are probably not 100% accurate. You'd have to open the list at midnight for them to be correct.
Avis de non-responsabilité : ces données sont basées sur vos données collectées. Les chiffres présentés ici ne sont probablement pas exacts à 100 %. Il faudrait ouvrir la liste à minuit pour qu'ils soient corrects.
4 months ago
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English French
No related strings found in the glossary.

Source information

No labels currently set.
Source string age
4 months ago
Translation file
js/web/_i18n/fr.json, string 474