Only available in the <a href="">separate extension</a>!!!<br>It has to be downloaded and added manually to the extensions.<br>It may not be used in conjunction with the regular Helper extension!<br><br>In the beta-version, errors are more likely to occur than on the released version! Please let us know about any found bug on Discord or Github! <br> Loading times for the extension may be higher than usual!<br> The game has to be reloaded in order to switch modes!
Dostupno samo u <a href="">odvojenom dodatku</a>!!!<br>Mora se preuzeti i dodati rucno u dodatke.<br>Ne može se koristiti u kombinaciji sa redovnim Helper dodatkom!<br><br>U beta verziji, greške su verovatnije nego u objavljenoj verziji! Molimo javite o svim pronadenim greškama na Discordu ili GitHub-u!<br> Vreme ucitavanja za dodatak može biti duže nego obicno!<br> Igra se mora ponovo ucitati da bi se prebacili režimi!
During manual battle if the HelperBox gets in the way, this option temporarily hides the box until the battle is over. This only works with Helper 'As Box'
Tokom rucne bitke, ako se HelperBox preklapa, ova opcija privremeno skriva kutiju dok bitka ne završi. Ovo funkcioniše samo sa Helper 'Kao kutija'