
Source string changed

FoE Helper / ExtensionTurkish

Welcome message (work in progresto the <strong>Infobox</strong>! While this window remains open, it will gradually fill up with events that occur in the silence (such as chat messages, attacks in GBG and auction bids)
4 years ago

Source string changed

FoE Helper / ExtensionSwedish

Welcome message (work in progresto the <strong>Infobox</strong>! While this window remains open, it will gradually fill up with events that occur in the silence (such as chat messages, attacks in GBG and auction bids)
4 years ago

Source string changed

FoE Helper / ExtensionSlovak

Welcome message (work in progresto the <strong>Infobox</strong>! While this window remains open, it will gradually fill up with events that occur in the silence (such as chat messages, attacks in GBG and auction bids)
4 years ago

Source string changed

FoE Helper / ExtensionRussian

Welcome message (work in progresto the <strong>Infobox</strong>! While this window remains open, it will gradually fill up with events that occur in the silence (such as chat messages, attacks in GBG and auction bids)
4 years ago

Source string changed

FoE Helper / ExtensionRomanian

Welcome message (work in progresto the <strong>Infobox</strong>! While this window remains open, it will gradually fill up with events that occur in the silence (such as chat messages, attacks in GBG and auction bids)
4 years ago

Source string changed

FoE Helper / ExtensionPortuguese

Welcome message (work in progresto the <strong>Infobox</strong>! While this window remains open, it will gradually fill up with events that occur in the silence (such as chat messages, attacks in GBG and auction bids)
4 years ago

Source string changed

FoE Helper / ExtensionPolish

Welcome message (work in progresto the <strong>Infobox</strong>! While this window remains open, it will gradually fill up with events that occur in the silence (such as chat messages, attacks in GBG and auction bids)
4 years ago

Source string changed

FoE Helper / ExtensionDanish

Welcome message (work in progresto the <strong>Infobox</strong>! While this window remains open, it will gradually fill up with events that occur in the silence (such as chat messages, attacks in GBG and auction bids)
4 years ago

Source string changed

FoE Helper / ExtensionNorwegian Nynorsk

Welcome message (work in progresto the <strong>Infobox</strong>! While this window remains open, it will gradually fill up with events that occur in the silence (such as chat messages, attacks in GBG and auction bids)
4 years ago

Source string changed

FoE Helper / ExtensionDutch

Welcome message (work in progresto the <strong>Infobox</strong>! While this window remains open, it will gradually fill up with events that occur in the silence (such as chat messages, attacks in GBG and auction bids)
4 years ago

Translation changed

FoE Helper / ExtensionEnglish

Welcome to the <strong>Infobox</strong>! While this window remains open, it will display background events (e.g. chat messages, actions in GBG and auction bids)
Welcome message (work in progresto the <strong>Infobox</strong>! While this window remains open, it will gradually fill up with events that occur in the silence (such as chat messages, attacks in GBG and auction bids)
4 years ago

Suggestion removed

FoE Helper / ExtensionGerman

4 years ago

Translation changed

FoE Helper / ExtensionGerman

Welcome to the <strong>Infobox</strong>! While this window remains open, it will display background events (e.g. chat messages, actions in GBG and auction bids)
Herzlich willkommen in der <strong>Infobox</strong>! Solange du dieses Fenster geöffnet hast, wird es nach und nach mit InformationEreignissen gefüllt, die im Hintergrund ablaufen (unter anderem Chatnachrichten, GG-Angriffe und Level-Ups)
4 years ago

Suggestion accepted

FoE Helper / ExtensionGerman

Welcome to the <strong>Infobox</strong>! While this window remains open, it will display background events (e.g. chat messages, actions in GBG and auction bids)
Herzlich willkommen in der <strong>Infobox</strong>! Solange du dieses Fenster geöffnet hast, wird es nach und nach mit Informationen gefüllt, die im Hintergrund ablaufen (unter anderem Chatnachrichten, GG-Angriffe und Level-Ups)
4 years ago

Suggestion added

FoE Helper / ExtensionGerman

Welcome to the <strong>Infobox</strong>! While this window remains open, it will display background events (e.g. chat messages, actions in GBG and auction bids)
Herzlich willkommen in der <strong>Infobox</strong>! Solange du dieses Fenster geöffnet hast, wird es nach und nach mit Informationen gefüllt, die im Hintergrund ablaufen (unter anderem Chatnachrichten, GG-Angriffe und Level-Ups)
4 years ago

Suggestion removed during cleanup

FoE Helper / ExtensionDanish

Which FP producing GB should you upgrade next?
Hvilken FP-producerende SB burde du udvide som den næste?
4 years ago

Suggestion removed during cleanup

FoE Helper / ExtensionDanish

Save medals?
Spar på medaljer?
4 years ago

Pushed changes

FoE Helper / Website

Pushed changes 4 years ago

Pushed changes

FoE Helper / Extension

Pushed changes 4 years ago

Committed changes

FoE Helper / ExtensionDanish

Committed changes 4 years ago
